Friday, July 27, 2007

Tuans bday bash pics

Well here's the pics finally. I know I sooo lagged!

Tuan's 28th Bday


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Non-stop work

What a day! It was busy enough at the shop. We had a walk in today, oil change. And the rest just waiting on parts. But what totally sucked today was the dogs got over the fence. And not with the neighbor who we've had problems with already, but the fence where the indians are. uggh! To think that I can just go home after being at the shop and not have to worry about anything else but dinner. WRONG! So we get a call from DJ saying the dogs jumped the fence..but thank godness he was able to get them back into the garage. Aibo jumped into a guys car who lives down the street. I had to go over and personally apologize. What was nice about it was that he was cool about it cause they have a dog to.
I felt kinda stupid cause when I rang the doorbell, I said "sorry to bother you" and they thought I was solicitating. And then had to explain that I was trying to apologize for my dog. They said it was okay, they were just being dogs.
And then I had to freakin clean up the back yard. So we picked up most of the leaves that were on the side where they broke the fence and the other side where I was suppose to gather all the leaves together. Tuan put up the child proof gate around the pool. And now the dogs are in the crate being punished.
So we had such a late dinner. I'm sooo tired! Man talk about non-stop work. From doing paperwork, accounting, setting up for the grand opening, to trouble with the dogs!

Well, speaking of which I have so many lil projects to do for the grand opening. I found the bounce house for the event and ordered the pens. They're local so I'm glad I was able to find something fast. It's $240 for 500 pens, which pretty much cost the same as other pens if we were to order it outside of CA. They wouldn't have made our deadline though, plus the cost of shipping!
And my other project which I'm aiming to finish by the end of this week are the pictures of three cars that Tuan's worked on and a comment from those customers. I have to purchase frames by the end of this week and print everything out I want to say no later then Sunday. So many things to do! Staying busy busy busy...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Time to breathe

Ever feel like you just need time to breathe. Inhale, exhale, breathe. Not think about anything, not one thought. Clear your mind and just let go. Just be able to close your eyes and just breathe and relax. Enjoy the fresh air, enjoy the silence. Times when you just want to lay there and do absolutely nothing but just stare at the ceiling. Or better yet the stars in the evening. Doing nothing, but just breathing.
Times in life are so short that you have to take time to breathe. Whether it's for a few minutes and or a few seconds. Just being able to sit down and give yourself a few minutes of the day to just relax your mind is probably one of the best things someone can do for themselves. Its not necessarily time for yourself, but just taking everything in but not necessarily taking it in. Makes very little sense, but anyone who gets the concept of just being able to take a moment to breath will understand.

Its time for me to just take a breath. Take some time and just relax. A vacation is way over due, but where should I go? If anything I just want to be able to go for a drive and just relax. Just myself, Is that selfish? I dont think so.

Venti light iced Chai w/ Soy Milk

So I totally have a new drink thanks to Glo! hahaha. I was soo stuck on my tall non fat white peppermint mocha (all throughout the year) that I didn't want to try anything else. Nor did I even think to look at anything else on the menu. So one day, I think it was for Tuan's bday, actually for 4th of July Glo and I had to get some stuff at ate's house and she had mentioned her drink. I was a lil hesitant cause at first, its like well, I always get the same thing, but chai, what's that??

OMG! It's sooo yum! I think it's healthier too cause it has soy milk and it's chai tea! So I have a new drink from Starbucks. Its a dollar cheaper when I go to Java City in Raleys so I'll get it there too. It taste the same, and I think the cup is larger haha. Lite on ice please? So that's been my drink lately.

LAME. So blogging about a new drink haha. Well, I'm still here at the shop waiting to leave. I'm sooo hungry. I feel like I can eat a cow. I was craving for some salad earlier, now I think I want a regular carnitas burrito. Well, I'll have to swim it off later.

The Blowers Daughter

I heard this on a fellow bloggers blog from her wedding clip. What a beautiful song. Just thought I'd share it. Its a great song. I never heard it before. I thought it was called can't take my mind off of you..
If you're interested in the video: Can't take my mind off of you..
"The Blowers Daughter"Damien Raice
And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...
And so it is
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...
Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...My mind...'
Til I find somebody new

STAND-Rascal Flatts (Thank you Glo)

You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you’ll be alright
You’ll be alright
Chorus:Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you’ve had enoughYou get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand
2.Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before its gone
Start holding on, keep holding on
Chorus:Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you’ve had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand,
Yeah then you stand.
Bridge:Everytime you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place
Chorus:Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you’ve had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand
Yeah then you stand.Yeah then you stand.
Yeah babyohhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhooohhhhhhhthen you stand


Regrets? Hmm.. I don't think so, but I do wonder if things were different. Is that bad? or is that just a part of life? Like seriously, part of me wonders that. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE MY FAMILY. AJ is the best thing that's ever happened to me and i love him to death! he makes the day so much brighter and he totally keeps me going when i'm just ready to fall apart.
And Tuan keeps me going. Keeps me positive almost all of the time.

but I just look back and think, man what if I ended up with that guy? or what if I had made a different decision, how would I be now. I know I can never tell, and or find out cause things are different. but part of me just wonders. is thtat bad. Like I know if I ended up w/ Marc, man that would be all weird. He's not very authoritative when it came to Maia and I had a problem with that. I mean, I'm strict when it comes to AJ but I do it so that he respects me when we're out in public. he totally listens which makes me proud. there are days when things aren't perfect. but he's a good kid. a trait born with, i think of it as something learned. its easy to learn bad things, but harder to learn how to not do bad things especially when your mind is a sponge.
Anyways Gerald, I don't know how that would have been. I think probably intersting, but my family would probably not have liked him as much as they love Tuan. Well of course, cause Tuan's my husband now. But I mean, like how would it have been if I didn't make that certain decision. would i have been a bum? probably not, but how would that have effected me.
I dont know. I'll never know.

Insecurity...NO I don't think that's it. But I do wish sometimes Tuan would say certain things that would just be positive and great. things that pertain to our relationship. i know with the whole business just opening i really can't ask for much. cause we have to concentrate on that. am i being selfish? see its things like this that run thru my mind. but I love him dearly and wouldn't trade him for anything else. Sometimes, I just wish it was shown to me more. that's all.

just a Friday night

I don't know why I'm just hella awake on a Friday night or better yet, its now Saturday early morning technically since its after midnight..and just blogging. So it's been a while since I've up to date w/ everything. I guess I've just been busy with the shop and just doing things around the house. Plus, it seems lately the days just go by way to fast. Like I swear it was Sunday last night, and now it's Friday all over again. Man, this whole getting older stuff (even though I'm young haha) seems to be getting to me lately. Is it cause I'm afraid? or is it cause there's so many little things going on around me that I'm trying to put it all together.
Don't get me wrong, life is great. could it be better...well of course. but you learn and i've learned that you be happy with what you have because things can be soooo much worse. Seriously. I know i've read other blogs, quotes and stories about just life....but when you sit down and actually think about your own, its a lot of things to think about. I mean, seriously.
For instance, I would have never thought that I would be considered a part business owner at the age of 25. is that so-real?? I mean, although Tuan is one of the primary owners, and yeah I'm his wife and stuff...but I just realized how much of a big part I actually play in the whole thing. Its kind of amazing! Its a lot of things to do, which is great, cause it keeps my mind busy and working. just like anywhere its always good and better to stay busy rather than be slow. but, its so much stuff. like all the admin paperwork, learning how to be a service advisor (writer) and just getting clients in. I never realized how complicated a vehicle and being able to understand all the diagnostic stuff until now. Hey i'm a girl!

And then there's my life. me myself and i. like with what I want to do. I was talking to a friend of mine over the weekend, Gemma, about how she's an RN and how her and her husband were looking for a car and how she didn't even need her husbands income. It really made me think. Like I know its totally weird how it comes from how our conversations went about to just me thinking about my life. But I want to be able to be set and just financially stable where I don't have to worry about Tuan's income. Not like we're hella broke, but you know just not really have to worry about that. So I was thinking and calculating, okay so I have five more years until I'm thirty, I can still go to school and finish and just pursue nursing..OR should I open up my own day care.

I know way off, not really but...Tuan and I were talking about it on the way to Union City when we went to pick up some parts for the CRX. Like, how it wouldn't take that long to get all the certifications through the county and state..and just get all the education needed for it. I know there's hella kids in Elk Grove! Everyone's looking for a good day care. It pays, and I love kids. But I just need to do more research on it. It's kinda scary cause man, if we both had our own businesses! that would be insane! right?!? I don't know, I have to figure it out very soon. Time seems to be running out. or at least that's how i feel.

Part of me feels like i'm just rambling. But part of me just feels like what I'm saying is really making sense. or is it not? I don't know.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tuan's Bday Bash

It was crazy!! We all had a great time. It was so great to have everyone come. And there are so many kids now. Pretty much all the kids went swimming. Jonathan was crying, I think the water was probably to cold for him. And I can't wait to post the videos of the guys doing there stunts! haha... It was way to funny.
So that was our weekend. I was up hella late on Saturday cleaning, I figured clean up then and not have to worry about it the next day. Which it was really nice to wake up and only have to worry about the dishes from breakfast.
Couple of folks slept over. The guys had a new thing called "Antiquing" It dealt with whomever fell asleep first had baby powder on their faces. IT was great. DJ got "antiqued" first. Then almost all the guys did except Jason and Alonzo.
Anyways, I'll be posting the pictures up shortly. Probably tonight and/or tomorrow I'll be uploading them. So till next time!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jaquay Knowles

I love my worker! She's totally awesome. I was afraid that we would sooo totally get someone who didn't want to help us and would just be all attitude like, but nope, she was totally great!

It was a big sigh of relief..well Transformers is out today, so we'll be there at the theatres tomorrow at 11 AM yup first showing. Cause we're going to be swimming a good amount of the day and cooking lunch/dinner..until fireworks. We haven't bought any, but I think we may go to Elk Grove Park. Not to sure. But till then, Have a happy 4th!

Being the "GOOD" guy can slap you in the face

OH man what a day!!! Well, it was a lil slow today at EGAC. Hopefully tomorrow will be a lil busy. Although the holiday is the day after. So I'm not expecting to many people. I know that we have an appt on Thursday, which is great! Actually we had a call today about a replacement of a transmission, so we'll see how much the actual tranny is tomorrow. We notified her already of the labor cost, but the transmission (used) will be the expensive part.

Anyways, there was unneccessary drama today which totally sucked! I had gotten into an arguement w/ my sis in law over something totally was over the Monsters Inc dvd. Well I took it the wrong way and over reacted which I take FULL responsibility for. But since ate's camera, I felt like anything else that seems to come up missing I haven't returned. So it starts off w/ a text message about the dvd and then after that it just went down hill. I could have responded better about it, by just either calling back and saying I'll double check. But I know I bought AJ his own Monster's Inc dvd cause I bought the double disc one. And when I bought it, I returned theirs. Anyways, I said stupid things like I'll find whatever little thing that belongs to you and return it. And after that it all went downhill! I was at the shop to and there was a customer calling so I had to hang-up.
Already pumped up and just upset about everything I tried to just not cry or not let it get to me. Then she calls Tuan and says not to bring AJ there anymore. Which to me had nothing to do w/ the whole arguement. But, eventually I guess I had to hear it.
So, I tried to get my thoughts together, cause with everything else going on I dont want to have any additional drama. Tuan said I should have never called cause its not going to get anywhere, where it really didn't..but he had mentioned that to me after the fact when I already called. I called to tell her sorry for saying the certain things I said and all I heard back was yelling. It went from her saying "I'm so tired of you" to "you're a liar" and that "you opened up things that didn't make any sense" Which seems, I guess when you try to be the "good guy" it doesn't always work. And that was even slapped in my face. She literally said, " you always try to be the good person, you try to always make it right" Which the last that I remember and was taught and learned that making things right or just trying to squash things was the right thing to do. I don't know if there are additional issues and I'm the one to blame.
But that arguement really made me feel like I got slapped in the face. And hard. I mean, if I didn't care at all about when she was going thru drama then I would have never welcomed her and her husband to our house. But because I cared about my husband's sister and I wanted to treat her like my own, I thought it was "right" for me to have her stay at the house at least Tuan would have a peace of mind knowing she's at our house and not someone elses. And the whole I'm tired of you deal, I wish I knew that sooner. And also the whole watching AJ thing.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the times that she's watched and cared for him. She treated him like her own, which I would do w/ her daughter, my niece. But, with the whole arguement, which like I said was something totally stupid...didn't have to go there. I didn't bring the babysitting up, and if I only knew sooner that AJ was a burden to her then I could have changed things. And of course, she feels its full of drama, but as a mom who puts her own responsibility of watching her child to someone else because of work or sometimes because of personal things..of course it makes me feel like AJ was a burden.
I never thought I would argue with her. I do hope it doesn't effect my relationship w/ the kids and/or the other sisters. They have nothing to do with her getting tired of me. Whatever I did wrong, I apologized for it. Which was: saying certain things that I should not have said and for over reacting.
Moral of the story: I'll still be the bigger person, but if she wants to stay mad that's fine. I'm still hurt about her saying the things that he said, but that will only be realized by the other person. Us helping her may have nothing to do with the stupid issue, but it makes me think of the words that came out of her mouth.
I'm hoping she goes to her brothers bday, cause if she doesn't show then that's not my fault. I wish her the best in what happens next in her life with either getting her own home and or just living her married life.
I've decided I'll just give them AJ's movie and just get another one. A movie is just a movie.