Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So that's pretty much my life now. I'm at the shop almost all the time. There's been soo much going on that it's crazy!

As of last week, we are now the owners of Transmission Depot, two shops in one. We are keeping the business name as Elk Grove Autocare & Transmission Depot as well as the phone lines, but we will be merging them together maybe next year. The twop shops actual compliment each other very well. Some people automatically assume that it's there transmission, and sometimes it's not. It could be a leak, or simply a loose kink in a hose.

I have so much paperwork now. It's a lil stressful but its so worth it. I mean, I know I may sound like I complain about it but, I know eventually it'll work out great. I can't wait until I only really have to come in two times a week to just check on things. Right now I'm pretty much there six days a week with Tuan and I get to leave though when it's AJ's therapy appointment. It's great to have that. I don't have to call in and say I won't be coming in today, nor do I really have to answer to anyone. I mean, yea there's Noel, but I get to pretty much run the show up front. Anthony's in the back.

Well, the greatest feeling of it is that it's our shop. I write up the invoices and receipts the way I'd like for them to look. I have a certain system when it comes to filing paperwork..as well as banking.
Speaking of banking. I have learned so much from working at Wells Fargo. Other than the whole multi task stuff, just dealing w/ other business customers and running into issues that they had really help me run my day to day routine. I can say that I really appreciate that.
I am hoping and praying that we do really well.

So far, none stop business which is great. We had one down time which was last Saturday. Which was nice to just catch up on paperwork and just fix things around the shop and the office.

I'm gonna call it a night. Till next blog

Thursday, August 23, 2007

blogging at 12:55 am

So it's been a while since I've been on this thing. Hmm can I say a few weeks. so much has happened. Things with the business and then going out of town for a few days.

Okay summary:

Grand Opening Event 08/11/07
GREAT TURN OUT! Thank you to all who came and participated in our raffle. Thank you for all those who made things happen. To all who helped clean up before the event, to all who helped keep the event running smooth. It was so stressful but totally worth it. We had a total of 90 people enter the raffle, and approximately more to just show up. We had a live DJ, the food catered, a monster truck bounce house, and like 8 cars to show.
We raffled out free services. Free oil changes, our BG products that ranged from 89.99 to 139.99 and a FREE i-Pod. SO it was great.

Speaking of which I need to send out those coupons to the customers that won the grand opening event prizes.

Isabella's bday party 08/12/07
We were soooo tired. Well I know I was. I just wanted to sleep all day. We were late to Belly's bday party, which I felt bad for but dude seriously I was pooped. And it was nice to see Oliver and Joce for like the whole weekend. They came to our G/O event and then went to Belly's bday party. I thought i had seen a ghost cause Joe & Eileen were there.

Okay falling asleep goodnight...TO BE CONTINUED.