Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New mop..

I went to Wal-Mart today to get a space saver heater, and found a little one. It only warms up a small section of the front shop, but it works for now. So I wasn't going to buy anything else, but I figured I get a new mop. I couldn't find the refill for the mop for Mr. Clean, so I saw an all in one deal which had the bucket, the mop, and the wringer in the bucket.

So I used it this evening to clean up the kitchen floor. I loved it! Hahaha. I know that seems so lame, it's a mop so what?!? But I have this thing with cleaning and making sure my kitchen, bathroom floors are clean.
It's all apart of my whole new years resolution, to stay organized. And to stay organized, we must stay clean! I hella enjoyed mopping the kitchen floor. Afterwards, it looked soooo clean.

Silly things we do to amuse ourself.

So goal(s) for tomorrow:

- Wake up early enough to cook a spam & egg breakfast. Yum!
Or better yet, even enjoy a bowl of cereal.

- Send out warranty cards for the shop.

- Complete all filing so paperwork from last week is out of the way.

- Make car payment, do some bill pay. Utilities are coming to be due.

- Get all laundry put back after work. Finished most of it today, finish the rest tomorrow.

- Buy a NEW planner from Staples, since Wal-Mart didn't have the one I get annually.


Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger..I was so wondering who in the world is Heath Ledger. I didn't remember the name, but when they showed his face on the news this morning, I was actually really shocked! He did so many roles and I really liked him..that's so unfortunate. He's only 28. Man, talk about young! Well, I was reading the article about him..and it seems accidental. I'll be following it for sure.

Heath Ledger's Autoposy

Enjoying the food?

I sure can't seem to enjoy anything I'm eating..ugh. It's so frustrating. So I had a pretty good breakfast this morning, did some errands while AJ was at school, then there it goes.

I've figured out that lately the only thing that I don't seem to get sick off of is pizza. Yummy! Maybe I want pizza again later..we shall see. Little Ceasars, $5.99 large pizza.
Okay, that's so fattening too.

Well, tonight I have to cook dinner. I was thinking of cooking sinigang, since we cooked rice the other day and there's hella rice left. Don't want to waste food..

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Meet Harley...

So we have a new member to our family..her name is Harley. She's a Doberman Pinscher. She was born on November 30th, so this Friday she will be exactly eight weeks old. She will grow to weigh from 70-85 Lbs. Here she is..
It's soo funny, cause we couldn't think of a name for her. So on Sunday when Anthony went out with the boys riding, that's all I thought about during the day. Hmm..why don't we name her Harley. What a coincidence, cause the night before that's all that he was thinking about. So that's why we named her Harley. Plus Tuan has a fat boy, with her colors, so that's what made me think of that name. Well, she's AJ's dog, but I can't wait to train her. Can you believe that, an American Staffshired Terrier aka Pit, an American Bulldog and a Doberman all in one house! I know it sounds crazy..

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dakota Fanning Movies

So I love almost all the movies that she's in. I know we spent a lot last year collecting DVDs. I'm going to look for her DVDs cause I don't have all of them. Actually I don't think I have any of them.

My fav or her movies is:

Man On Fire-w/ Denzel Washington. It's a pretty touching movie. And it's based on a true story.

Charolette's Web-got that one!

War of the Worlds-not a big fan of the movie, but may buy it just cause.

I Am Sam-Must have, don't have yet. Will get very soon. I know I haven't seen this movie yet. I don't remember what it's about if I have.

Uptown girls-haven't seen that one either.

Sweet Home Alabama-got that one.

I think I need to do a little more research. I'll find out more movies she's been in.

Sunday Mass @ 7:00 AM

So we always go to church at 9:00 in the morning every Sunday, but this morning we (well, my parents, AJ and I) went to mass at 7:00 AM. There's actually a lot of people that go to mass at that time!
I almost didn't go cause I was half asleep. But I ended up getting up and AJ and I got up and went to church with them. Half of the time, AJ was sleepy. Then we went to breakfast at I-HOP. Yum!
So I told them the news, news to shortly be announced. I prayed for a better reaction, but I guess you can't expect much from my parents. Or at least from my mom.
Oh well, at least we all went to mass at the crack of dawn!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Edit in the New Years Resolution

Well, I know I posted info on a new years resolution/goal whatever you want to call it. But there might be some slight changes to them. I have to figure in time now with the goals that I placed aside.

Weight Loss:
Okay so I'm still working on that. It's a little hard, but I know I have to continue moving daily even if it's a 30 minute walk. I don't want to just sit here and do nothing. We were suppose to go and walk after we got home from the shop, but there's a really cold breeze outside, so Anthony doesn't want to take AJ out along with the dogs.

I'm going to be getting into different kinds of books I think. I was looking around for more motivational books, and healthy cook books. I know you don't really read cook books, but I know that I will need to change my diet.

This will have to start from home and then to the shop. I've been doing a lot of filing lately, and I know I have to re-file some things here at home. I don't know what happened to me. I use to be really really organized, and I fell off a little bit. Stress maybe? Well, all I know is that's going to change as of yesterday!

AJ's First Day @ School-Speech Therapy

Today was AJ's first day in a somewhat class room like environment. He has speech therapy every wednesday at a local elementary school here. So today was his first day, and he had the session with another child.
I felt so awkward at first, cause I thought I just sit back and watch him. But, no the parent(s) are only suppose to drop them off and then come back for them within about 45 minutes. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. I was afraid he just wasn't going to listen and share, but Ms. Iris said he did really well. He pointed out a lot of familiar objects throughout the household, he even called the computer a laptop! And they're other activity had to deal with Jack Be Nimble. So he did very well in participating, and he had a lot of vocabulary.
I'm really glad he gets these services, because it will help him when he starts preschool.
I just wonder for how long he will be doing the therapy. I know that we are still waiting on a eval for the adaptive PE which covers the OT and PT for him. But that will also be provided by the school district.

The other student, I think his name was Parker, had a back pack. I'm wondering if I should get him a back pack. But I don't think he quite needs one yet, but I guess just getting in the habit of carrying one around. Hmm..maybe I'll ask mom (grandma's always say yes to there grandkids.)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year

So it's 2008! Hmm..going back to my last years resolutions, i don't think i did so well. This year has to be different, well I really don't have any excuses. All I know is this year things have to change. I've been home sick lately and just thinking about a lot of things. As far as my health, my education, and my life at being 26. I know I definetly am getting in the mode to get fit. I really want to get a membership at 24 hour fitness. I think Anthony and I are going to go there this weekend, to see what they can offer to a small business.
I really want to go back to school. I am planning on taking one accounting class this coming semester. I have to see if it's still avaiable. And work, I received a call today through Citigroup about a possible interview. I haven't called back yet, and am debating if I should call back tomorrow. I have to go over it with Anthony.

Well, so far what I would like to have accomplished this year is:
1. take at least one class for the shop
2. start "date night"
3. LOSE 20 LBs minimum.
4. Be able to run/jog 5 miles straight without stopping by the end of the year
5. read 5 NEW books, related to my age or just being a woman
6. Stay organized!

Well, I know that pictures have not been updated for a while. I hope to do that soon.
Welcoming 2008, I hope this is a great year!