Monday, September 29, 2008


Okay, so I've been going to the gym everyday and have decided to only have Sunday as my day off. I'm doing good so far. I can only go to the gym for max 1.5 to min 1 hour. I have to get back in the morning to cook breakfast and before Tuan leaves to go to the shop.

But, I just found out that Lisa had a gym membership which she renewed like last year. So I mentioned to her that I'll pick her up to go to the gym with me in the mornings Mon, Wed, and Fri. I was really excited for her about getting up to go. She was suppose to go with me this morning, and when Ning and Glo were still here last night she text Ning to tell me that she wasn't going to the gym anymore. She didn't even text me! Not like it mattered with the whole text thing, but I really wanted her to go and just walk or something for a half hour. I know she recently got diagnosed w/ Diabetes and it takes a while for meds to get use to...but I guess it's ultimately her decision to want to go to the gym and/or get back into shape. I mean, she's like my older sister, and I want her to be healthy and/or get healthy again. I know anyone who struggles with weight isn't easy to get back up and start working out again. But at the same time, you have to tell your mind to go for it. But, really I was disappointed about her not going. I hope she'll go with me sometime. I'll aim for Wednesday morning..but we'll see if she backs out.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dress Code for the Gym

Last night Tuan went to the gym and he said there was some asian lady on the treadmill wearing flip flops, and a guy in jeans and a t-shirt. I mean c'mon now..if you can afford to have a gym membership you can get some shoes to work out in and/or some kind of work out gear. Heck, wear some sweats.

Oh, but this morning there was another asian lady...she was straight wearing her PJs and house slippers! OMG..she went to the restroom to take off her flip flops to change into her house slippers. But what was funny about the whole picture was she had a sports bra and a tank top on haha. Dress code for the gym should be strictly enforced, forreal!


It's now 7:00 AM and yes I am awake and having breakfast! I was up at 4:40 AM and went to the gym. Yup! I sure did! I am so sad that I let myself get out of shape this bad. I mean, I'm glad I'm not all hella sore from running which is good right. Although, I know tomorrow my arms will be hella sore!
Like today, I did free weights and I swear..when I was in decent shape way back when I was able to do 5 or 6 sets of 10. Now when I'm just getting to the 3rd or 4th set I'm all struggling. Ugh! Well, I gotta work my way back up there. I'll get there...and trust me I will be skinny again. uahahahaha. No but are my goals with joining the gym:

  1. Get back into size 5/6 jeans/pants
  2. Eat healthy
  3. Run a 5K by July 2009
  4. Get my shirts to fit right size SMALL (yes)
  5. Stay fit

I'm glad Tuan and I joined. I know we've been married for 5 years, and we gained mad weight (aww love..haha) but it's time!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Weight Loss Here I start...

So we are planning on joining 24 Hour Fit, and I am determined. (SERIOUSLY) to get back into shape and be this size again! I know I can do it. I just have to start like (yesterday) haha. I went over the 24 to ask about prices and Tuan said to sign up already. I'mma bring out a print out from online cause he was telling me $32 per month vs the online $29.99 a month. Shoot..a few bucks makes a big difference! That can be my gas money haha. Well, this pic is hella old. Its when I went to Hawaii in I would love to be this size again. I know it's crazy since the Holidays are around the corner, but I guess it's better I start now vs. never. So weight loss here I start!!

"The Strength of a Woman"

"The Strength of a Woman"

In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday... She is such a simple and honest woman, with so much wisdom in her words!

Maya Angelou said the following:

'I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.'
'I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.' 'I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life.'
'I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as 'making a life.'
'I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.'
'I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back.'
'I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.'
'I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.'
'I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.'
'I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.'
'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Busy Weekend

So this past weekend was pretty crazy! Hectic I can say...

Saturday: "Pump and Dump"
That night we rode out to the Boozefighter Clubhouse. It's been a whole year since I've been on the bike and oh mun, I was hella sore when we got home! I wasn't planning on having a bunch of drinks that night, and ended up having 4! So that night when we got home I had to pump and dump. I'm all for breastfeeding, but I can't have Leanna tipsy...haha. It was nice to get out for a little bit. I haven't really gone "out, out" yet since I had her. I hope I can do something for my bday, and/or I can't wait for Glo's bday! Hella far from now I know!
But also on Sat we went to Ron and Vicki's house to play some cards. It was just a little get together and I got to learn the basics of Texas Holdem. I told Tuan we should have a poker night haha. Like on a Friday once a month or something. I think that would be fun!

Sunday: "Berts Diner"
We had Bert's Diner on Thursday night cause Tuan wanted to eat Bert's Big one, which is a 16 ounce steak, big baked potatoe, chilli and bread. Pretty yummy! I mean, you don't expect the steak to taste like it came from a steakhouse. It's a diner, and it was still good.
We did the usual in the morn, went to church..then for breakfast had Bert's Diner. I only had pancakes. I'm trying to be really good about what to eat..although pancakes aren't the best choice. Haha..
Then we saw Joce and Oliver and had dinner there. It seems like we haven't seen them in like weeks, cause we usually see them almost every weekend. I had some good muscles (thanks Joce!) I haven't had mussels for hella long, and to get something different it was yummy! The kids got to play and fight (boys will be boys) for a little bit. And for this Halloween, Nathan and AJ will be the Autobots! I'm soo excited to take pictures of them on Halloween.

Anyways, that was my weekend. This week is going to be hectic. I have appts like everyday! Crazy! And Ning's going to be taking her driving test this Wednesday..can't wait for her to drive me everywhere. Hahaha. JK. Till next time..Hopefully I can read some chapters today!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Okay, so far it seems a little slow for me. I know, wierd..I guess I'm anxious to find the part when it gets really good. I'm only in the beginning of the book and just starting to get to know Edward Cullen . Well, I'll be taking Glo to the movies when it's out in theatres. It better not be disappointing! Back to reading...


I've been aiming to get up real early in the morning to actually clean up and get things done. Lately I have not been able to complete this task. I figured that the morning is the best time for me to do so, since 1: AJ and Leanna are still sleeping and Tuan's still home. and 2: I'd rather start early than have to do anything late in the day.

Well, I got up early this morning, and I'm beat! I'm still tired from just having to get up and feed Leanna. I don't have the energy to move around. Although I have the energy to be online (I know, so unproductive) Haha.

Well, I know I have to start cooking breakfast soon. Already made the coffee so that starts the morning right. But then, I also have to get up and get Leanna and AJs bags ready. I have to drop Tuan off to work cause I picked him up last night. (Yawn) I really want to go back to bed, but I am determined to get something done today.

It's so sad my horoscope (which I usually never read on a daily basis)even mentioned to get things done today. It's a sign! Or just a horoscope. Anyway, hopefully today will be a productive day.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why we chose a bassinet

There are many people who decide to get a crib versus a bassinet. We decided for Leanna to get a bassinet. When we had AJ we also did a bassinet. He was just harder to handle cause he had hella wires from his oxygen and his apnea monitor. And we knew already that he was barely going to sleep in a crip because of all his extra wirings.

So we decided to get a bassinet, and/or register for one for Leanna. I was just reading this article about cribs and how they found another recall. Of course there are also recalls on bassinets. Like this was a disturbing picture of a bassinet recall. But most of the ones I read were on cribs. Although this one had numbers of more bassinets versus cribs. All I know is we still chose a bassinet over a crib.

Well, I'm glad we decided to go with the Eddie Bauer bassinet. I read the reviews on it and looked into it before I added it to the register. Plus I loved that it was made of cherry wood! Stylish...haha. It's crazy though how children die in them. Pretty sad.

Almost finished...

So I'm almost finished reading this book. Usually I'm pretty good with finishing books within a week or maybe two. But lately it's been pretty hectic. I swear, I didn't even realize that AJ's bday party is coming up! Ugh! Well, I can't wait to finish reading this book, cause next book on my the 1st saga Twilight!

I can't wait!! Glo just finished reading it and she's going to start reading New Moon. So can't wait to start turning the pages. I'm just glad I'm able to find time to read again.

Although I do need to work on the organization/planning stuff at home. I still have a "To DO" list and have crossed out 4 out of 10. I guess it's not too bad, but I would love to cross out all of it in one day. I guess there just isn't enough time in the day.

Just like yesterday, my things to complete were:

1. Put away clean laundry
2. Vaccum upstairs
3. Start organizing my closet (since AJ and Anthony's is all done)
4. Start putting away scrap book stuff
5. Start scrapbook project
6. Take out all trash
And I ended up doing only one of these things, #6 and half of #1. Ugh. I was running around all day yesterday. Went to inquire on adding Anthony's bike to insurance. Had a Dr. appt w/ Dr. Taylor. Picked up WIC stuff. Rescheduled WIC appt. Dropped off mula to ate. And then we had to pick up AJ from mom and dad's house in Vacaville! Crazy day. I swear I'm more busy now then I was when I was working!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"I am Optimus Prime"

AJ loves the Transformers. So this year he's going to be Optimus Prime. He sooo loves his costume!! He tried it on last night and he's been wanting to leave it on since then. He even asked to sleep with it! Hahaha. Kids! Well, originally I was going to make him a monkey and Leanna a banana but Tuan said to make him something he wants to be. It was going to be Bumble Bee but the custome didn't look cool. So here he is in his halloween fit. Already ready to go! It's so funny, he even started saying lines from the movie with this on!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Trying to get back into the swing of things. I went to the shop that day to help Tuan file things away. Tuan went fishing w/ Ning and Alvin, and Ning caught a small fish. It sucks they had to put it back in the water. I guess when you go fishing and if it's too small, you can't keep it. Reason being is if anyone who fishes keeps keeping the smaller fish then there won't be any more to reproduce. Makes sense. Then I had the kids sleep over. Mainly Katie, and Ge. It was so funny..right now they're cables down at their house and when they came over here their eyes were glued to the Disney Channel. I let them stay up a little bit, although Ge fell asleep pretty fast.

Van and John slept over, John and Tuan went fishing. Didn't really do much but slept and read my book. Cody's getting sooo chunky. I need to post his pic on here.

Went to church and had breakfast at Cassidys. AJ missed kinderchurch, cause we were late from looking for parking. The church is doing construction right now and its a pain to look for parking on the street. Then we went to the outlet and looked around. Walked around. Then went to San Pablo. We visited Jo and Eileen cause Tuan had to talk about her flowers. The fun part of it was that we played Rockband. We've never played it and it was pretty fun! Hmmm..Xmas gift haha.
Then that was that.

I swear our weekends are so unplanned sometimes. But it's always great to spend it with family and friends.

Friday, September 12, 2008


I love having our "regulars" come back to see us at EGAC. Whether they come in and do an oil change, a trans service, and/or some other service. I feel like I don't have to explain myself w/ the baby and all and it's nice to hear them say "Welcome Back!"

Sometimes it's a drag to have to explain myself and/or get a nasty look from someone I haven't met in the past. The ones who wonder why I have a baby at the shop. I mean, I understand it takes some time for them to be like "OIC" but at the same it's just nice to see the regulars.

Well, I'm in and out of the shop starting this week. I have to set up a schedule for myself so I can get back into the swing of things. It kind of sucks, but I guess it keeps me busy (not like I need anything else to be busy) and I get to have adult conversations. I don't just talk to my 6 week or my 3 year old.

Well, I am aiming to be at the shop 4 hours a day almost everyday, maybe in exception of when AJ has school. We shall see. Scheduling here I come....

Saturday, September 06, 2008


AJ can't just play with his toys by themselves. He always seems to use props. Props that have nothing to do with what he's playing with. Here's an example. He's attached a ruler from the car to the truck, and says he's towing. What a smart imagination this guy has! Earlier this morning he was playing with my car charger (of course it erked me) but it was cute at the same time. He attached it to his Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee toy and said "Mommy, they're going to fight Megatron!" Then made some funky transformer noise. Way too cute. But it's just interesting how he can't just play with his bucket of cars, legos, books, etc. He's always gotta use something else.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Woke up to barking dogs

Last night, we actually slept earlier then usual. Which was great cause we both started getting a cold, and I noticed Leanna started having a runny nose. (Sucks) Then, when I was already falling asleep to the point when I was counting sheep...the dogs started hella barking. And they usually don't bark in the mid of the night. I mean, it's if someone walks by and/or those dogs next door are scratchin the fence, just something to let us know, "hey look outside the window!"

So Tuan went to check on them and realized our neighbor was outside. I peered thru the window and boy was she drunk! Not like tipsy drunk, but wasted!! She couldn't even stand straight. She was being held by some asian guy and they were all getting nasty in the front of her own home. NASTY! Go inside! And it wasn't just her, there was someone else in her car yackin! I mean, everyone has their drunken moments, but dang, all in front of your own house..go inside and don't let the dogs keep barking! And I just realized after Tuan put them in the house, she was partying and it was a Thursday...Must have been cheap drinks on a Thursday night.

Oh well, after that I couldn't sleep so I ended up reading...I finished my Sippy Cups are Not my Chardonnay to now I'm reading Marked. Maybe I'll borrow Twilight from the library :)


So each week, starting last week I have Angelique (aka "Ge") over for a night, usually the night before AJ has school, and she just comes over to hang out and play. Last week I took them to Funtastic, which is a play place for kids 8 and under. Yesterday, I took AJ, Angelique and Katie along w/ Leanna to Funtastic. They had soo much fun. I am already planning AJ's 4th bday there! I had to reserve the spot incase someone else would take it. The only time they had available was between the hours of 4-7 PM. I have to buy more time to make it the whole three hours but I figure it's better that way.
Well here are some pics. It's pretty cool, cause I got to catch up on my reading when I was there. And I got to plan out his bday party as far as making a guest list etc. Next week, I have to figure out what we'll be doing. If it's not hot enough, then I'll take them to a park...if it's still pretty warm outside then it's Borders day! More books yay!

Thursday, September 04, 2008


I just dropped off AJ at school and was talking to the moms. You would think moms who have kids of the same age would somewhat be on the same level as far as shows, books, activities etc. I guess I was way wrong!

I had mentioned that I would love to have their sons be at AJ's bday party coming up on Oct 4th..and that I was going to have it at Funtastic. SO I know they probably never heard of the place cause they live on the other side of Elk Grove near 5. Which is understandable. Then we went into a conversation about food.

AJ had his project poster and on there is a picture of cereal and pizza. AJ blurted out he also likes to eat celery. I mentioned that in order for him to eat certain vegetables we have to say it's "celery" although it's not. I mentioned the Wonder Pets show and they looked at me like I was crazy. Awkward! I totally felt like I wanted to explain the whole ordeal with how they sing about having celery at the end, but I know it wasn't worth it. Maybe I should have AJ not watch Noggin anymore....haha.

Even then I mentioned we go to the book store, park etc, but both moms were like oh you have time to do that? Umm..even when I was working at Wells before, I made time to take AJ to the park and out when I was off. Isn't that what parents are suppose to do?!?! Spend quality time with their kids.

Labor Day Weekend..Late update

I didn't realize until just now that it's a short week. It didn't even hit me that it was labor day weekend last weekend. It was nice to actually have a long weekend. The only thing that sucked is the day we had people over, it wasn't that hot. The kids enjoyed the pool, but none of the adults went in.

We actually did some driving on the weekend. We visited Tita Teresa in DC so she can see Leanna. Slept over and Tuan went fishing w/ John. Oh, I was teasing him about going fishing. I told him go and get me a shark. Tell me why he comes back with three little sharks and a sting ray!! Yes! I said STING RAY! Too bad I didn't think to take pictures of it. So that's sat..

Sunday: went to Diandas and got some cake. Yum! Always a plus to get rum cake. The only thing that sucks is the location of Diandas. But Bubba parallel parked the suburban. Ohhh skills! Haha. Then visited mom and dropped her off her portion of Diandas. AJ was a little sick that day. Had a fever but is all good now. Then we went to Folsom Outlets to do like 45 min shopping. We went w/ Ate, Ning, Glo..the usual and we left EG late. I got some stuff for the kids so that's all good.

Monday: had our BBQ during lunch time. We finally got to see Ryden. He's so big now. SO not a baby anymore. And Joce and O are now officially a suburban fam. They got a Infiniti SUV. It's pretty sic lookin! Till next blog, Ling's crying...


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Get things done

Today I have my 6 wk postpartum appt at UCD. Man I can't even believe it's been 6 weeks! It's at 4 later on today, but I have so many things to do. I'm just now kind of taking a little break. I have to start cleaning the mid-room upstairs and put things away. And then, I have to get all the WIC stuff. Ugh! I mean, it's kind of easy to do them today cause I'm off from AJ. Although, it probably wouldn't matter because if he were here anyway I'd be doing the same thing.

I'm hella tired though. We were up last night watching No Reservations on HBO. It was playing at like 1:30 in the morn. Hella awake I know! And we totally finished it. I felt bad cause Tuan was tired this morning and had to go to work. I slept a little longer, but had to get up and start doing things or I totally wouldn't get anything done today.

Speaking of getting things done, I have to start planning AJ's 4th bday party. I think we'll just do it at Funtastic which is down the street from the shop. I have to double check w/ Tuan to see if that's what we're going to do for sure. I can't even believe he'll be 4 this year. Time does go by hella fast. I always look at him and remember when he has still born, came home from the hospital and still had oxygen. Well, to all parents: enjoy the time with your children when they're young...cause sooner or later they'll just be all grown up and then on their own.

Okay time to get off my "break".

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I am soooo sad right now. Ugh. I just logged into (Kodak Gallery) to look at some pics to print and ALL my albums are gone! Frickin A! I seriously don't know what happened to them. They like vanished. All my friends albums are there, but none of my old ones. I mean these are pics from like 2002...grrr.. This so ruined my evening.

Well, I guess I have to look to see if I saved most of them on a disc. If not, this really sucks. I mean, I rely on the net to save those things. I wonder if its cause I never really ordered anything from them. But I mean, like 6 years later all the pics are deleted! Gotta look at all the other pic accounts now. Snapfish, and Photobucket. If anyone has any suggestions as far as a good site that keeps pics forever please let me know.

I guess all I can rely on now is Walgreens!


For those who don't know what ABDC is, it's America's Best Dance Crew. I didn't watch the whole first season much cause I missed most of it. Except towards the end. Go Jabba!! Hahaha..

It's a show on MTV that has crews that battle for the title of ABDC. So last night we watched a rerun of battle to the VMAs. Of course they showed season 1 and season 2 winners: Jabbawokees and Super Crew. It's so funny though cause when So Real Cru came on, my sis in law says "So Fake Cru" Hahaha. Glo! I mean, they're alright, but I don't think they should have been on the top 2 of the second season. It's all about Fanny Pak!

Well, they're going to battle it out on the Pre-show of the VMAs, so you know I'll be watching that. I just want to see Fanny Pak win! Although Kabba Modern is pretty sick! I guess you have to have seen the show to know where I'm coming from. If you haven't seen the show...season 3 is coming this January....