Saturday, June 05, 2010

New phone & new post

So its been forever since Ive had the opportunity to blog about anything. Man things have changed but definetly for the better. So far 2010 has been really good to me. We did have to move and I LOST mY pHONE anD

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I miss my babies

Nurse vs Nurse

There will always be one nurse that is so different from the other. I have been here for a week as of tomorrow and so far in exception to last night, I have had great nurses. Especially at night.
The day nurses I'm usually asleep but even they are great too.

Well last night. I had some bad contractions like 3-5 minutes apart. Like it totally hurt my lower back. I had a hard time sleeping. I felt pretty restless and was even worried I was going to deliver. So around 3ish in the morning..I complained about being in pain and I think the docs may have to check me. She automatically answered for them and said "they're not going to check you." ALL the other nurses day or night when I've complained about pain have called in a doc to check me to see if there has been any cervical change...SOOO I don't even think she mentioned anything to them although she said she would. I told her about it at 3, a doc didn't see me until close to 6 in the morning. Seriously!

I'm kind of glad that I didn't go into labor during her shift. (Sigh of relief) Well, I know that some nurses may not like some patients because dude, I barely paged her and kept asking for anything until I felt pain. Part of her job description right?!? Oh well. I hope I get a nice nurse when I actually deliver.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ready to go

I am so ready to go home. I've been here since Thursday and nothing has changed. I started to get heart burn last night and thought that today was the day. Nope I was wrong. I'm still at 6 cm, started to have contractions but they have subsided.

I'm just waiting for the docs to do their rounds and hopefully they say go home on bed rest. It does suck to be here and nothing progresses. A part of me just wants to have this kid already. I know holding off as long as possible will be the best thing, but I dont know when he decidess to come or not. Its crazy cuz I was here last week at 4 cm and back again at 6. Watch me be back here next week then be at 8. Its just frustrating.

Well I miss the kids, my bed, the dogs, and my tv, We'll see what they say. They should be comng in soon,

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In the hospital

Here I am in the hospital again. I've been here since Thursday evening. I went to my regular high risk appt, my fetal monitoring to my ultrasound and with those appointment found out I was 5 cm dialted, 80% efaced, -2. Sooo now I'm at 6 cm dialated but everything is still the same.
I hate it cuz now I'm on oxygen cause I had a fluid overload with IV.

Well I'm pretty much here until I deliver. Things may change but its pretty much day by day

Monday, October 05, 2009

32 Weeks and 1 day

So I am very happy I did not give birth on my birthday. I was in the hospital last week to stop preterm labor. I was in the hospital for 4 days. Yup pretty much all week. Had to get the steriods for baby's lungs, magnesium sulfate to stop the contractions, fetal monitoring for all day and all night. I dilated to 4 cm 70% efaced and -3. So I'm still at 4 cm, water is still in tact and I was stable enough to go home.

Yesterday was mine and AJ's 5th bday. I was so nervous that I was going to completely lose my bday if I popped on my bday. (of course that would totally be the odds) But I didn't woohoo. So we didn't do much, just had a gathering at Lisa's house and the kids played a little bit at Strikes in Elk Grove. I wanted to have a bday party for him, but knew I wouldn't have the energy for it.

Anyways, I'm hoping I make it close enough to my due date which is Nov 29th. Part of me just wants to have this kid already. I just don't like feeling uncomfortable anymore. Getting up in the mid of the night to use the restroom, just getting up from the couch and bed. I'm just tired. But as long as I make it 34 weeks then we are in the clear.

All I know is after this baby is born, I won't be getting any kind of sleep. It's okay I know it will be worth it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pregnancy Pains

I am sooo done being pregnant. Seriously..this is it for me. I hate it that I've been on bed rest now for two frikkin weeks..Yup, dr put me on bed rest cause of my past preterm labor history. Ugh!

Well, I can't wait to go back to work and say, aight I need to get back to work. I don't mind being home since AJ just started school and all, but man. I miss work. As crazy as that sounds.

I just don't like this uncomfortable feeling anymore. The unable to sleep at night because I swear it takes forever to find a position to sleep. The wanting to eat certain things, that for some reason at this point still make me nauseas (ok I know that's not spelled right). And I'm tired of my bella band, and wearing maternity clothes. I just would like to get back in my regular clothes and be thinner again. UGh!

Well, I have like three more months go to. So I'm hoping I make it very close to term so I won't have any issues w/ work and the baby. And yes, I am aiming to go natural again. NO epideral for me. I'm way to scared to not feel my legs or bottom half.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Many Changes

Man it's been forever in a day!! Well, since I've been on this blog. I've been so busy w/ work and we have no internet after we moved. Yea, I know I totally miss the internet, but its all good. We'll get it later.

Anyways, so I know I haven't mentioned it on the blog last time. But we are now expecting our 3rd child. Yup..Baby number three is on its way. I'm due sometime in November. They said it was around the 29th, but knowing my kids they won't come on time. They seem to like to come early.

That's one change. Another one, if I haven't mentioned it was that we moved out of Lisa's house and got our own. Renting for now, but it's all good. It's a place of our own. So we haven't completely unpacked but, we've moved everything out of storage and most of everything out of Lisa's house.

Other changes..AJ's going to be going to school this fall. Woohoo!! I can't believe how big he's gotten. Kindergarten already. I can't wait to go on his first day of school.

Changes at work. We have a new ASM. He's cool. Younger guy, he's pretty funny though. Marina's getting married this month. Lyla had her baby and was on leave. And...hmm...then branch totally looks different. New paint. A wall. Hours have changed on Saturdays. All kinds of stuff. I'm just very grateful to be working.

Other than that, it's different from having one to two kids. Man do they keep me busy. And to think there's another one coming. Oh mun! Well..till next time. Hopefully not to long.