Sunday, November 30, 2008

Full tank!

So I haven't filled up any car in like ages! So yesterday we went to put gas on the Suburban at Costco and yup, it was $1.75!!! That's soo cah-razy that like three months ago it was over $3.25 and it's now half that. I know in the bay it's prolly more, but I'm glad that our full tank is $40-$50 vs before it was $100 easy. So I'm hoping we have time to go to the snow sometime before X-mas since gas is so cheap. Gotta look at my schedule..uhhhhh..I have work on the weekends. :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So Katie, Glo and I watched the movie Sunday was aight I guess. Very patchy..but that's expected. I hated though they that totally changed I so did not picture her house at Forks to be like that. I totally expected a little more chemistry between Edward and Bella. And the day when he first saw her in the book vs the movie...MOVIE..hella dogged her and acted sick. was mad and couldn't stop looking at her. Oh well, I guess they did the best they could.

I was planning on taking a break from the saga, cause I just started reading Marley and I think I'll be reading two books again. GREAT! Gotta find time..gotta find time.

Monday, November 24, 2008


There's been a whole lot of changes that have happened in my life within the past 4 weeks. I just realized that it's been 4 weeks since I've blogged. I know I attempted to blog, but just never got around to it and/or just didn't want to blog about what was going on. It was very personal and hurtful times. was a good day. It was my first day back to work. I am now officially part of WAMU now a part of CHASE. Yup! I had the interview two and a half weeks ago, hella nerve racking! I haven't had an interview in like 5 years. It's crazy! I was all sweatin and shiet. Then just had to kinda wait to find out if I got picked. I was referred by a great friend Roberta. Thanks Roberta! a call saying that I will need to proceed w/ taking a drug test and fingerprinting, background etc..I wasn't really worried about the whole thing, I was just praying that this part of being hired would come. With all the bad that's been happening and the hardships that we've been going through...I needed to feel like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. And I was offered the position last week and got a higher pay rate then expected! Woohoo! (haha..old WAMU logo thing for ya) So yes, it was my first day of work and it was very hard for me to get back into the swing of things by not having the kids. But you know what, it's steady income and I have med benefits. Anthony's so sweet..he got me a gift for going back to work. Instead of flowers, he got me sugar rose flowers. I have to take a pic an upload..totally sweet and different.

The past few weeks...
Well, it's been hard and very tiring for the whole family because we pretty much lost everything. It's been real tough with the economy in a slump. It hurts so much more when it hits home. I really hated that we had to become part of the statistic but oh well, it's life. So we had to move not only our home but the shop. So yes, that's a whole lotta moving. I've never had to put anything into storage and had to do so starting 4 weeks ago. Thank you to all who have helped us move. It was hard for me to pack anything and just go through the day cause I would be in I have many thanks to Joce, Oliver, Ning, Glo, Manny, DJ, Alvin, and even Constantine who helped us after moving. Deep down it's really appreciated. I'm glad I have great friends and Anthony's family.

Its still hard for us to look at the fact that we had to move everything, but I know things will get better. We have a temporary roof over our head for now, until we find a different place to stay. I am hoping we are able to save enough money aside to just get a rental for a year or more, or even just have good savings. That's my goal.

Well, I have to look at my kids and know that there's another day coming...its sad that some family of mine that meant a lot to me aren't there anymore. But that's not a decision I made. At this point, I've accepted the fact that they just won't be there when I really need them.

Enough of that...change is good, thus far. I hope and pray better things come..