Saturday, July 08, 2006

what a week!

okay, so monday i worked for jamie 12-8:30, worked the 4th from 6:00-2:30PM, and worked 12 hours on wednesday 12-12..insane i know.

i'm surprised i'm still awake now..oh well, i'm off today! wooohoo! its just been crazy at work, we were so slow the beginning of the week, then day after the holiday came it was mad busy! i was a lil upset b/c my supervisor took on a different team :( , which is cool b/c she's trying to get into upper managemnt, but we had just lost Dennis to a different team like 2 mos its a change again. change i gotta admit is good, yet sometimes really scary!
well, on wednesday i wanted to do my career map cause i'm trying to get into a different dept and if i don't, then i'm looking at other options. i'm getting bored with what i'm doing so i need to venture out. i'm very thankful for having zoe as my old sup cause she really made me think about a lot of things. what options i had within wells at the NBBC or else where. i appreciated that one on one with her.

well, i'm soo looking forward to having this day off today.. i have homework though uggh!
GOOD NEWS: i have an interview on Monday!!
i did my career map today and it was great, i had a rough day off on thursday, but just went through today as any other day. it was great to see what the dept does and kinda go over what things are important. i was wondering if i was gonna get an interview cause the app closed june 16th..and when they had told me that they were gonna interview sometime next week i was thinking more like after tuesday but i have mine between 2:00-2:30, and i'm soo nervous.
pray for me! i hope i get it though..
it would be a big change for me..i would be going back to days, and doing something totally different. which is nice cause like i said i'm getting bored with what i'm doing and that's not always good. i had a somewhat mock interview w/ dennis which totally made me think of what to say and do during the interview. so MSB here i come i hope!
i have homework to go thru their VL and their requirements so a whole lot of reading for me to look forward too..i have to think of scenarios too so that i don't blank out, gotta get this info down and put it all on a card.

well, other than that i've just been working, paying house bills. all utilities were due so had to get those payments out. o and i got really dark from GA..oh man! like totally obvious! haha..okay gotta catch some z's.

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