Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Arlynn and Sonny

we werent able to make it but Arlynn looked stunning..heres the pics forwarded from Eileen

Alberto wedding
I think we'll do a renewing our vows during fall time. but that'll be in a two years we're aiming for the 5th year wedding, possibly Eileen and Joe?!? on blogger

okay so i'm gonna try it...w/ help from a fellow blogger Joy. here goes..

Thanksgiving 2006

it totally worked!!! Thanks JOY!!! i swear this blogging thing haha..i straight published the post to make sure it showed up and it did!! (sigh)i read forever about how to do it and each time on the bottom it asked was this info helpful i kept clicking "no". hahaha what a joy it is now that i know how to put pics on this thing!

to do list

okay so theres lots to do with so many things coming up other than the holidays.

holiday stuff:
other than shopping (its almost all the time the best part)
-get the tree up
-get stockings ready to give away
each year i have a theme on what i'm doing for others. this year it'll be stockings. last year, we gave away baskets to our friends that had a bunch of stuff in them that was for their family. like we gave to ian and jaymi a big hard back book w/ choppers on it (since Ian's a rider), and a bunch of knitting stuff cause Jaymi likes to knitt, and a bottle of wine w/ some chocolates cause they're wine drinkers.
this year, i'm doing something a lil different. i'm going to give out stockings. yea stockings can be small but depends on how big you get em and what you put in them.
-possibly put lights up (we're still debating on putting them on the house, its been pretty cold lately) in the mornings all week its been like in the 30s yup!! and even during the day its like in the 50s, and its a different cold then from the bay
-figure out AJ's gift from Santa
-get my secret Santa gift
-finish making Xmas cards..and i totally gotta make the list for people i'm giving them too!
last year i hand made all my cards, this year, i'm doing the same but just using different card stock. such a housewife type of thing to do! haha
-family picture
-pick a weekend or a weekday to take AJ to take his first picture w/ Santa

okay bus stuff
-figure out office equipment needed for the business, printer, comp, all the good stuff
(possibly an espresso maker??) gotta ask the husband bus owner
-pick out colors for the stickers on the window if we'll have any
-get additional software needed for billing
-get an appt book

well, gotta jam..bubba just called time to go eat! can't turn down food!! lunch time!

oh..and thanks JOY in advance for taking the time to show me how to do the photo thingy..blogging i tell you, who ever thought of it is ingenius (makes me say why didnt i think of that!)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

going to far

seriously! okay so theres times when its okay to just joke around but there are other times when you just have to watch what you say...
some people crave for too much attention and that can soo be totally annoying. i mean, its reallyb not all about you all the time! seriously! there are other people who have issues and problems and life's not perfect. if you think that its just about you and your prissy self then grow up!! agggh!
okay much anger coming out i know..but i just dont understand some people. there are times when we need to be sensitive about what we say. for sick, not feeling well, mind you i'm getting over the flu.. friend: aww hope you feel better..not a right response: whatever! seriously!!! agggh!
i have to vent you know! before i just explode, plus i dont want to start drama at work, thats soo unecessary. i'm not a child. so i must be the adult about it.
(sigh) thank you Jamie, Amina, Elisa and everyone else who heard me vent today. i appreciate you!

Monday, November 27, 2006


Thanksgiving was great!! lots of food, spent time w/ family at Lisa's house. Not to many people but enough..

The tradition is that Tuan cooks the turkey and the prime rib..this year he deep friend the turkey like he did last year. then cooked the prime rib, the sweet potatoes (and they were sooo yum!) good job bubba! the stuffing, and he made pork w/ tofu i dont know what the dish is called. sounds like a lot and it is..then Lisa cooks the pasta, tita Teresa cooked the pancit palabok (plus it was DJ's 20th Bday) and then there were the extra stuff, mashed potatoes, was great..i know i still owe pictures from disney and soon to come the pics from thanksgiving. i didnt take that many pictures.

i realized though that thanskgiving is about spending time w/ people you love. not just about the eating. but just being thankful for all the people around us. we totally keep the tradition especially with the kids growing up soo fast!
speaking of which its monday and dinner at Lisa's house! wondering what we're

Monday, November 20, 2006

missing my AJ..(sigh) being a mom

okay okay, so yea he's only sleeping over at mom and dad's house and i'll see him in 24 hours. but i mean, seriously...i really miss him. i miss him looking around and making lil noises all over the place. counting his fingers..he can count to twenty!! yep yep!

heres how it goes:
me: "AJ lets count"
AJ: "one, thwo, thwee, poor, five, six, sheven, eight, nine, ten, "
"eweven, twel, chircheen, porcheen, fifchen, sestenn, sennenten, eighteen, nineteen, twenty"

i love it!
just him and his little accent! its this is how it feels to be a mom. its just moments like this were yea, he may be w/ grandma and grandpa but i really miss him. he's my teddy bear at night..although tuan should be..but AJ keeps me warm.
speaking of which, okay so just called mom to give him his meds...he'll be sleeping good soon since he has his antibiotics and his suction. well i'll see you tomorrow "day-day" mommy and daddy love you!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

my cousin, my sister, my best friend

i missed my cousin today..and speaking of which i just got off the phone w/ her.
i totally love her! she may be like 400 miles away and we may not see each other on a daily basis, but she's like a younger sister that i never had. i'm soo thankful that we kept our vow as family..that no matter what whether when we get old and weak, that we'll always be there for each other.
her name is Theresa and she's my sidekick. we tell each other stupid stuff too. what we ate that day, what we wore to a bbq, how our hair was. just things that people dont even think about. and i love the fact that she's one of AJs ninangs. although she's miles away she makes the effort to call and see how AJ's doing and she comes to visit. i know i can count on her w/ big and lil stuff...just to call and cry to and complain about stuff...or just to call and see how she's doing. we may not talk on a daily basis but we talk every week. (girl i know i gotta get cingular haha)
well, i can't wait till we hang out again. the last time we saw each other was the wedding and you know we took some cute ass pics haaaaeeey!!! haha...and it was just plain ol fun. even the night of the wedding. what i love about her is that fam is important to her, like she's not one of those cousins who just comes to see you to go out and meet people she actually wants to spend time w/you. i love you theresa you're the greatest sister i could have! remember i'm always here for you if ever you need me. and i thank god, cause i asked for a sister..and he totally answered!

thanksgiving just around the corner

yes, its in like 4 days!! unbelievable..another year gone by. cause after thanksgiving it will be xmas then new years!!
well, just a quick update..a lot has happened within the past few week.
i've been very sick w/ the flu and AJ got an ear infection. it totally sucked! i'm still coughing away. we were suppose to go to the city today for the baptism of Alex and Madison and we didnt get a chance to. i didnt wanna get their guests sick, plus we had to get better. especially with the holiday coming up.
okay so quick update..

last week:
anaheim here we came. it was soo fun! it was the first family outing, and pictures to come yup yup! it was great to see the kids have a blast..then went to see uncle ed in NV. he's not doing so well. i hope he makes it to thanksgiving since everyone will be there.
also met one of the other luchicos. her name is jennie. she's from Canada and she hella looks like little Eileen..forreal!

okay..then just been at home sick and trying to fight off this cold really sucks! i had chills the other night and i got a fever up to 103 it was totally scary. i just hope i dont get sick again.

things w/ the business are almost done. gotta finish up the business plan, prolly gonna type things up tomorrow w/ the questionaire that needs to be answered. get in contact w/ tommy tomorrow.

hmmm....other news..oh Nina asked me to be a bridesmaid! wow! i'm so thrilled...i'm honored too! speaking of weddings Congrats to Sonny and Arlynn Alberto married on the 18th at Hawaii. i know they had a blast! wish we could be there but no ends right now and gotta get ready for the holidays.
okay things to do: email everyone for the secret santa...and get my secret santa gift. i have a great gift exchange for tita theresas house. more later!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"we now introduce you to Mr and Mrs Donald Niven Jr"

pictures are up!!!

Disney*Pixar CARS out on DVD today!

WAL-MART: $15.87..there was a special edition one but nah dont need it. so yup get the DVD its great!

Thanx Kathleen for the giftcard it's in good use now! awkay peace!

Lightening McQueen: Ka-chow!

fun with the fam

what a great weekend!! seriously! well, first off...
(pictures to come shortly..)
that wedding was soooo much fun! got to see family..and people that i missed so much such as Theresa, Pat, Melissa, Precy and Pearl and all the uncles and aunties. well it started off as waiting for Theresa and Patrick and auntie Precy and Uncle Teddy at like 6:30 in the morning. i was so excited to see them that i woke up before my alarm came off. then cooked breakfast, you know we had to do the corned beef, fried rice, and eggs..typical filipino breakfast
then it was getting ready..had to get the makeup right, and theresa curled her hair, it was totally cute..i'm so gonna look for that curling iron. i think she said from wal-mart or target..i just remember it was 15.99. okay then the wedding came..i totally cried or hella blinked my eyes haha..i love weddings..
then the reception was hella good and then came the dancing..dude that DJ was totally hella good. his name is Charlie Ramos and i guess he plays from 102.5 and hes good friends w/ DJ so he's so about to be our DJ when we renew our vows. hey!!! it was soo fun! and we straight had Sponti yum! never had it before but it was hella good! and anyways, other than that just had a great old time dancing w/ the cousins. melissa danced w/ Philip and they had fun..and we danced w/ Phat. it was great!
then in the evening hung out w/ Ian, Junk, Jason, and just Theresa, Bubba and me. it was great to just hang out and chill you know. i think i needed that..totally!
well more for later...

Friday, November 03, 2006


AJ took his nap and uncle Edong, and auntie Helen are here now..they flew in and i'm assuming they're at Agana and DJs because i think the rehersal is later.
not sure if i have to take ning to downtown because she's working this weekend.

well things to do:
-clean up people are coming over
-go to CandG#513
-possibly Ross or Crossroads maybe even Target gotta get AJ some socks
(for some reason can't find any)
-get AJs fit ready for tomorrow still debating on the whole pants thing, dont really want him in jeans at a wedding you know
-go to the bank
-decide on the makeup issue already w/ a black and white dress what color to wear
i played w/ makeup yesterday and Tuan liked the greyish affect

OH: and Grey's Anatomy was new was great! the thing is Christina is so busted! she erased Bailey's name on the board. OMG! i know i'm so totally into it..i love thursdays. and McSteamy wants another night w/ big girl ( i so dont even know her name) and there was a girl on the show yesterday who had two uterus' and each baby was conceived at two different times insane!
well, weekend here we come!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

two days and couting

okay so i'm a few days late but:HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
pictures to come shortly, just haven't uploaded them yet..actually Nings gonna print them out first :)it was okay did our yearly thing and went to Lisa's for dinner and went with the kids around a few houses. AJ was pretty scared, i think more scared of the kids yelling "trick or treat!" he would grip my finger and wanna climb up. not to many trick or treaters this year. we finally met Rachel's Randy too..he's a cool guy. he actually watches out for Mia-Mae which is good, she needs a father figure. and me and rachel will be going to a bridal show sometime next year, i have to find out the date so we can go cause i know its in the city. i'mma help her plan her wedding. well, the morning of halloween was good...hung out w/ Elisa and we were on KCRA3, Carter got his hour of fame. Eileen Javora (the weather girl) picked him up. AJ got really scared of Slamson, the Kings mascot. well, i don't blame him, Slamson has no eyes!
but it was okay, and i found my dress for Agana and DJ's wedding! yes, i freakin found one! i was a little hesitant at first cause its zebra print, but i like how its quarter sleeve and it hides my arms.i'm excited. i get to see my cousins this weekend! everyone's gonna be there! folks from Deigo, Vegas, Carson, LA, PI, Guam! insane amount of relatives. so we're gonna have a full house. this sun will be crazy! i have to wake up early in the morning to cook breakfast for everyone, cause you know the wedding is at 11ish and receptions isnt until 1ish. and i know people will be hungry!
well, went to dr yesterday everythings okay..just gotta take it easy and my arm has been hella hurting too. i pinched a nerve cause it was so swollen when i woke up the other day it looked like a big ass bug bit but way scary bigger! but everythings okay. i'll get those pictures soon. two more days and Agana will officially be Mrs. Donald Niven Jr. :)