Thursday, November 02, 2006

two days and couting

okay so i'm a few days late but:HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
pictures to come shortly, just haven't uploaded them yet..actually Nings gonna print them out first :)it was okay did our yearly thing and went to Lisa's for dinner and went with the kids around a few houses. AJ was pretty scared, i think more scared of the kids yelling "trick or treat!" he would grip my finger and wanna climb up. not to many trick or treaters this year. we finally met Rachel's Randy too..he's a cool guy. he actually watches out for Mia-Mae which is good, she needs a father figure. and me and rachel will be going to a bridal show sometime next year, i have to find out the date so we can go cause i know its in the city. i'mma help her plan her wedding. well, the morning of halloween was good...hung out w/ Elisa and we were on KCRA3, Carter got his hour of fame. Eileen Javora (the weather girl) picked him up. AJ got really scared of Slamson, the Kings mascot. well, i don't blame him, Slamson has no eyes!
but it was okay, and i found my dress for Agana and DJ's wedding! yes, i freakin found one! i was a little hesitant at first cause its zebra print, but i like how its quarter sleeve and it hides my arms.i'm excited. i get to see my cousins this weekend! everyone's gonna be there! folks from Deigo, Vegas, Carson, LA, PI, Guam! insane amount of relatives. so we're gonna have a full house. this sun will be crazy! i have to wake up early in the morning to cook breakfast for everyone, cause you know the wedding is at 11ish and receptions isnt until 1ish. and i know people will be hungry!
well, went to dr yesterday everythings okay..just gotta take it easy and my arm has been hella hurting too. i pinched a nerve cause it was so swollen when i woke up the other day it looked like a big ass bug bit but way scary bigger! but everythings okay. i'll get those pictures soon. two more days and Agana will officially be Mrs. Donald Niven Jr. :)

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