Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I swear I have so many things to blog about that I totally forget what I want to type down when I get here! Haha. Examples..

Like the other day (well actually last week haha) I went to visit Winnie-Anne and her Nathaniel (whose cheeks I want to bite cause he's so dang cuuute) and was trippin out that she lived next door to one of our old customers. When I pulled up to her house, I was thinking "I've been here before" cause I had shuttled him home from the shop a few months ago. And it was way cool visiting her, I didn't realize that we had some things in common in high school. Now I wish we should've hung out more back then. Well, there's always now especially w/ the kids.

Okay, and I still can't believe (well I can since he did them) that Tuan is not only a mechanic, but a florist too! I swear I have such a multi-talented husband. Forreals. NO complaints, just amazed. The flowers for Eileen and Jo's wedding were so pretty. I loved all the fall colors, and that it wasn't so traditional. I'll upload pics from the wedding shortly.

Talking in the car on long drives is I swear the only time Tuan and I have to catching up and talking to each other. When he's at the shop, we can't really talk on the phone. So on the way to the city to pick up the flowers last Saturday we just talked up each other. He said some nice stuff, like "I'm glad we make each other laugh, cause that keeps us happy and together.."

To be continued..

1 comment:

Rizzi said...

awwww... isn't marriage WONDERFUL?!!