Saturday, July 01, 2006


I know this should have been the first blog, but oh well, here I go...

A lil bit about me...hmmm..lets see..just living life to the fullest right now. I've got a daily routine, pretty much what happens during the week, especially being married and having a child. I have a great husband Anthony and beautiful baby boy AJ. Both an inspiration to my life. Without them, I don't think I'd be anything but helpless. They keep me going day by day...especially AJ...he's almost two and I still can't believe it. He was born extremely premature and came on my birthday. I was anticipating a prime rib dinner out in the City, yet I got a baby who came four months early..yes..and he sure made it.
It was a hard 96 days to watch him in the hospital but he sure showed those doctors and nurses he was strong. The pregnancy definetly brought us (Anthony and I) much closer, should like any other couple, or most..but during the time we were pregnant..there was mad drama..we were moving out of his sisters house, we finally got our own place, was trying to look for another job, and trying to not stress while I was pregnant wasn't the easiest thing to do at the i felt.
well, everything worked out far..but what i've learned so that we go through obstacles and when you think that we've finished going thru the challenge, its not yet over..another has to come. and you either face it and deal with it or turn around, look for other alternatives which can cause havic and more drama which you definetly want to avoid.

anyways, hmm..getting back to intro..i guess you can say i'm one of those type of people who stay happy and look at things around me that keep me happy. looking for distress causes pain and drama, which i've learned to let go of. i don't focus my world totally around me cause that's just vain, and hella ugly! i'm simple and like a lot of things, but i know of what responsibilities i have to take care of. my family comes first, always all the time! work is important..because it pays the bills and puts food on the table. education is important because it helps keep the mind going, but learning is more than just school and books, its knowledge gained from others to help you learn how to improve in a goal or yourself. i like to keep things organized, i totally have a planner for each year ( oh mun!) its funny..i so get a new planner from Wal-mart or Target by mid november whenever the new year calendars come out to make sure i write down events for the following year.

(yawn) okay so i'm starting to get tired..i made it till three..oh muhn tomorrow is gonna be soooo hard..
Sorry wieght watchers, but tomorrow I'mma get me my tall non fat white peppermint mocha extra hot!

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