Tuesday, October 24, 2006


stress! aggh, i know you're totally like, well you just had a massage. i have so much on my mind though that the massage was for the day moment. sometimes i wish that things would just fall into place but they dont always all the time.

well, hmmm..i've been sick still (i know it sucks) i felt feverish earlier and slept almost all day. i dropped off AJ to Lisa's house cause i dont wanna get him sick. tomorrow he has an appt w/ a pediatrist for his feet. i was ready to cancel it today but i know i need to get a denial letter so we can just through ALTA regional.

mom's is in Chicago. she's there for a conference for work and an awards ceremony i think. she announced our news to everyone. :oT so that's good right. we just havent told everyone yet, i'm waiting. i have my appt on Thursday and maybe..maybe after than you think?

okay..so..ASM keeps calling and I can't talk to them. Anthony has to talk to them which is kinda stressful. things will be okay as anthony always says. he's always almost right though. and if you're reading this hun, i know i know stop being pesimistic. well, i guess that's the great thing about us is you're always very positive when things arent going right in my head at least.
and then the business situation, gotta finish the business plan asap. i dl the software that chris gave us and we need to get started asap.

wanting a Credit card, but i know we dont really need one. i feel hella broke, but we don't really have any debt. weird huh, i think i just wanna go shopping but i know its not a great idea. that's just being selfish i think. well, i wanna win the lotto how's that. although we need to buy the lottery ticket to do that. haha okay that's my update for today.

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