Tuesday, November 28, 2006

going to far

seriously! okay so theres times when its okay to just joke around but there are other times when you just have to watch what you say...
some people crave for too much attention and that can soo be totally annoying. i mean, its reallyb not all about you all the time! seriously! there are other people who have issues and problems and life's not perfect. if you think that its just about you and your prissy self then grow up!! agggh!
okay much anger coming out i know..but i just dont understand some people. there are times when we need to be sensitive about what we say. for example..me: sick, not feeling well, mind you i'm getting over the flu.. friend: aww hope you feel better..not a right response: whatever! seriously!!! agggh!
i have to vent you know! before i just explode, plus i dont want to start drama at work, thats soo unecessary. i'm not a child. so i must be the adult about it.
(sigh) thank you Jamie, Amina, Elisa and everyone else who heard me vent today. i appreciate you!

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