Sunday, November 19, 2006

my cousin, my sister, my best friend

i missed my cousin today..and speaking of which i just got off the phone w/ her.
i totally love her! she may be like 400 miles away and we may not see each other on a daily basis, but she's like a younger sister that i never had. i'm soo thankful that we kept our vow as family..that no matter what whether when we get old and weak, that we'll always be there for each other.
her name is Theresa and she's my sidekick. we tell each other stupid stuff too. what we ate that day, what we wore to a bbq, how our hair was. just things that people dont even think about. and i love the fact that she's one of AJs ninangs. although she's miles away she makes the effort to call and see how AJ's doing and she comes to visit. i know i can count on her w/ big and lil stuff...just to call and cry to and complain about stuff...or just to call and see how she's doing. we may not talk on a daily basis but we talk every week. (girl i know i gotta get cingular haha)
well, i can't wait till we hang out again. the last time we saw each other was the wedding and you know we took some cute ass pics haaaaeeey!!! haha...and it was just plain ol fun. even the night of the wedding. what i love about her is that fam is important to her, like she's not one of those cousins who just comes to see you to go out and meet people she actually wants to spend time w/you. i love you theresa you're the greatest sister i could have! remember i'm always here for you if ever you need me. and i thank god, cause i asked for a sister..and he totally answered!

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