Friday, March 28, 2008

Time for Myself

It's been so hectic and stressful lately that I don't know if I'll have time for myself.
Sometimes, as bad as this sounds, its like I forget that I'm 5 months pregnant. I've been running around for the past three days to appointments. On Wed an appt for babysteps at UCD, Thurs my prenatal appt w/ high risk at UCD, and today appt for Harley's ears in El Dorado Hills. My patience lately has really been put to the test. Cause along with the appts is AJ.
I always have to tell myself that God can't give me something I can't handle..but why is it lately it feels real hard. Am I envious of some things? Is something missing? I don't know.
I've also been stressed with the house. I'm debating about looking for another job, cause I don't know if I can just let this happen the way its going. Or do I just hang tight with the shop. I'm afraid that if I start working somewhere that its a negative for me to just suddenly go on leave in like 4 months. Or maybe sooner cause I'm high risk.
I'm trying my best to just relax. If only someone can do it for me. But I know I need to do it for myself and the baby.
Vacation sounds like a good idea right now..if only the money was there to have one.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Don't ever lose your cell phone

OMG! I have never had to deal with losing a cell phone until Tuan lost his phone. I have had to talk to like 4 different departments to just get helped at all! Ugh! I have a replacement phone coming, which is great, but at the same time, I can't turn on the phone I want to use to continue running the shop.

What totally sucks is that it's under the shop and not personal. I mean, you figure personal is more important, but when your business cell phone number is on your business cards...and customers call you, then there's nothing you can do!

This is so freagin frustrating!

Monday, March 24, 2008

What a great anniversay and a great weekend.

Well I didnt' know what Anthony had planned for our anniversary. He mentioned something about Sausilito, but we ended up not going. I didn't think we were going to go out on Saturday night because we were still open at the shop. Then we ended up driving to the city to eat dinner at Thanh Long. MMMM yum! If you haven't eaten there, the crab and garlic noodle is to die for!

So of course we had to order the crab, I had the drunken crab and Tuan had the roasted crab. I was only able to finish half of the crab. It was soo yummy. And I had room for desert. We of course had the fried banana w/ vanilla ice cream. Yum!
What's cool about that place is Anthony use to do flowers for the restuarant. So after we had paid he was talking to either the owner or the owner's son. He totally remembers him! He said, "hey you're the flower guy"..haha. I know sounds funny, but that's totally cool. I mean this was like 8 years ago or something like that and they still remember him from doing the flowers.

It was a great dinner, and then we were trying to figure out where we were going to stay. NO reservations, cause again we didn't know if we were going to go out the night of our anniversary or just the Sunday of Easter. Well, we went to like three different places around Lombardt. We were trying to stay around Union St cause of the Easter parade and I wanted to walk around there the following morning. What was funny is that we went to one place where we actually ended up staying and it was @ Chelsea Motor Inn. It was $96.00 for one night. So he said we'll drive around. I asked at Hotel De Casa and the guy told us it was $234.00 for a Jr suite. So I was like okay..that's a big jump. Hahaha. Anthony went to Motel 8 and the rep told him $119.00 and the room has a jacuzzi. Oh mun, we'll go back to Motor Inn. The hotel was pretty nice. Mind you these places we were looking at were like not even a block away from one another.

So Easter Sunday came...we had some coffee and walked around union st. Met up w/ Lisa, had lunch at Ling Nam...Yumm Pork Chopsilog. And then we ended up back at Union St walked around some more and then...went sight seeing. It was great to hang out and just have a night together.

We don't have that opportunity that often. I love my bubba...Thanks for a great anniversary and a great weekend.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dizziness + Short of Breath= Asthma?

On Friday I went to my first prenatal appt and didn't even get a chance to really get to have it. I walked up to the third floor hoping to not be so late, and when I got up there (being voiceless and all) I was asked if I had asthma. Of course I said no, because duh, never had respiratory issues before.
Well, the nurse noticed I was short of breath and I had a hard time breathing. Well I have been sick for like two weeks. They asked if I could go to L&D, and I said I could just drive myself there. They escorted AJ and I downstairs and then when we got downstairs cause we were also looking for a wheel chair, I about near fainted. The nurse caught me and then I had to go back upstairs and they had to call the ambulance. OMG. They didn't want me driving with AJ and/or just driving myself literally down the street.

So they had me on oxygen and they checked my BP, and my BP was a high. The ambulance came and then AJ had to ride with me with a volunteer from UCD. The Fire Dept was there and everything..Oh mun! It was a little crazy. But AJ had a great time riding the ambulance.

to be continued...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Without A Voice

I was coughing so much that I lost my voice. I've been without a voice since Friday. Long time I know! I'm worried I might have strep throat. Well my appointment is coming up this Friday so I'll find out for sure by then. I'm tempted to make an appointment earlier w/ my PCP to see if they can take a throat culture.

Yesterday I went to do some errands just to get a way from the house, and some people were nice about my voice being gone while others were just mean. I couldn't believe it. Oh well, I didn't want to get all pumped up over someone being ignorant or just being rude. It's not worth my energy.

I'm really hoping I get my voice back this week. Being without a voice is so not fun. I feel helpless.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

9 Possibly 10 Pups

I don't know if I mentioned that Kylie our American Bulldog is on her 2nd litter. She was breed on the 1st of Jan and is due to have puppies any moment. I took her today to the vet to get her x-ray and it showed 9 puppies for sure, and possibly 10. If she has 10, that's one more from her last litter.

She had her first litter on March 24 last year. I remember the date, cause it was the day we moved into the new house. She had a total of 9 and 6 survived. She did pretty good as a first time mom. I'm hoping she does the same this time around. It was crazy, last night she was restless and couldn't sleep. I took her upstairs and put her in her blanket and she went to sleep. I touched her belly and felt the puppies kicking. Totally different then from touching my own belly!

Well, after her xray they said she's due to have her pups this afternoon, if not this weekend for sure. One is positioned to already come out. Now we just have to wait.

Healthwise: I have NO voice what so ever! I hate it. I was in tears last night cause I just want to stop being sick. Well, I'm hoping I get my voice box back like very soon, maybe even tonight. That would be a miracle. Ugh...well, time to check on Kylie..the other mom to be.