Saturday, March 01, 2008

9 Possibly 10 Pups

I don't know if I mentioned that Kylie our American Bulldog is on her 2nd litter. She was breed on the 1st of Jan and is due to have puppies any moment. I took her today to the vet to get her x-ray and it showed 9 puppies for sure, and possibly 10. If she has 10, that's one more from her last litter.

She had her first litter on March 24 last year. I remember the date, cause it was the day we moved into the new house. She had a total of 9 and 6 survived. She did pretty good as a first time mom. I'm hoping she does the same this time around. It was crazy, last night she was restless and couldn't sleep. I took her upstairs and put her in her blanket and she went to sleep. I touched her belly and felt the puppies kicking. Totally different then from touching my own belly!

Well, after her xray they said she's due to have her pups this afternoon, if not this weekend for sure. One is positioned to already come out. Now we just have to wait.

Healthwise: I have NO voice what so ever! I hate it. I was in tears last night cause I just want to stop being sick. Well, I'm hoping I get my voice box back like very soon, maybe even tonight. That would be a miracle. Ugh...well, time to check on Kylie..the other mom to be.

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