Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 5, and still frustrating!

Ever feel like you've just been hit by a truck? (Not technically speaking). Well, since Monday that's all my body seems to feel like. This full blown flu I've got is just not gonig away.

Sitting down and just watching television is the only bareable position I can seem to be okay at. Since I am able to breath. Each time a cough comes out, which seems like every 5-10 minutes my throat aches and my shoulders sink. My arms although still attached to me feel like at any time they can just fall off.

The fever comes and goes. When it starts to feel like we're all done having a fever, a break of sweat starts again. This requires a change of my t-shirt and Tylenol. Then comes the cough and the blowing of the nose. My head starts to pound even after blowing my nose. And there's nothing else I can take but tylenol.

The medication perscribed for me doesn't seem to work the way I would like it to. The other night, I couldn't sleep at all. I got a total of 1.5 hours of sleep cause I kept waking up from coughing and trying to find a comfortable spot to sleep. I can't even sleep in my own bedroom. I found that I can sleep in AJ's room since the bed is higher and I can elevate my neck with tons of pillows.

I am hoping this goes away by this weekend. I want to be able to eat and enjoy my food. I want to be able to go around and totally clean my house. My poor house. Ugh...I hope this doesn't last me two weeks.

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