Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thank You Janet..

Well I went from having a great morning, to a discouraged afternoon. First off we went to AJ's appointment w/ Dr Maulino to double check and make sure that he doesn't have an ear infection. Good news, he doesn't have an ear infection. We just have to keep doing what we're doing which is lots of liquids, tylenol, motrin, breathing treatments, and rest rest rest.
While AJ and I were waiting to be seen I get a call about the medical paperwork stating I got approved. So that was a big sigh of relief for me. I called the number that was given to me on the message (and I so should have left it at that), cause I called it back at 3:30 and just totally talked to someone who really didn't seem to care. Ugh!

I've been trying to get all this medical stuff taken care of so I could be seen and so AJ has his coverage. I'm trying not to get frustrated and just take things easy. Well, I couldn't help it but break down earlier to Janet. I was in tears just trying to explain how frustrating it's been just to get a medical number. I mean, I've paid into taxes and I'm not trying to get food stamps or anything like that. Just medical. That's it. I'm so thankful for Janet cause since we've found out, she's been helping me try to look for a doctor, or better yet a referral already. And she's just been my other ear when I'm just venting over things. I'm glad I have a great friend like her.

It's so frustrating though that I have to just wait and see if I get approved or not. What's crazy is that the case worker was trying to say I need to do this and that, and that since Anthony and I are married I have to rely solely on his income. Ugh! Well, all I have to do is pray. I know that's what I've been doing, and the answer will come soon. Like Janet said "things happen for a reason" and I believe that. It's just frustrating when it happens to yourself.

But thank you Janet for being there for me thus far. You've been so much help to me and Anthony from when AJ was born until now. I can't thank God enough to have someone like you as a good friend.

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