Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hello February

I have not been on blogger in like forever...well I guess I've been that busy with work and the two kids that its been hectic.


The kids..
Leanna, "Ling-Ling" is now 6 months old. Shes attempting to crawl, but does so with her head. She's a whoppin 17 Lbs, big chunky baby. She got RSV though this past Monday and is on breathing treatments, albuterol, and on top of that and ear infection. Mun, me and my preemies.
But she's getting better. She gets a little annoyed in the evening so she likes to keep me up for a lil bit. But I can't even believe how big she's gotten in the past few months. She's adorable. I love all the pink on her. Her brother loves her and is very sweet and protective with her.

AJ is officially potty trained! Woohoo. He has had a few accidents, but I guess it happens. But it's been a whole 9 days since he hasn't really worn pull-ups. He goes on his own to the toilet and its so funny cause he'll use my step stool to sit down and he looks like he's struggling but he figured it out. He still has school twice a week w/ Ms Iris and sees Ms Audra for OT only on Thursdays. But hes starting to get to a point where he'll talk back and start ignoring me when he's being called. Just gotta set him straight.

Tuan and I.
We're doing okay. It's Valentine's day and don't know what we're going to do today and/or later. Lings been sick so we'll see if we'll go out. I'm planning our anniversary for next month and haven't figured out where we were going to eat. I have the place where we were going to stay but still haven't had a chance to plan that weekend. We shall see.

It's going okay. A lot of changes, but changes are good.
oPPS Lings crying till next time.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Awww Nathaniel had rsv in January.. Hope all of you are ok these days.. I miss you. Like you it's been very busy around our household... We gotta hang out soon!