Friday, September 29, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

OMG! so it was soooo good! i'm so addicted to that show! well, you'd only be able to understand this blog if you watch it.
well, Mcdreamy so ended it w/ Addison..i kinda want Meredith to choose Fin cause he's sweet, he has "plans" awwww..and at the end, when McDreamy goes to see his wife, he finds her w/ Mark! OMG..and Bailey talked to Izzie to come back..I'm happy. She hella made a whole kitchen full of blueberry muffins, hella hilaire..

well, this weekend not doing anything anymore. kinda sucks but its all good. there's next weekend for aj's bday party. almost forgot mines coming up. wooohoo big 25 and can't do nothin. my bday is on a wednesday what do you do when its on a weekday besides eat! haha..well, we're suppose to be getting up really early tomorrow to go and run and excercise, aj's our alarm clock. the biggest loser is our inspiration, damn makes it sound like we're hella fat! all good..well i was worried about Lori but she's okay. she'll call me if she's gonna have the baby..i'm soooo excited for them

recent updates:
-Dru got his bike...yay they can go riding now.
-we told mom and dad
-planning aj's bday party stuff, mom's gonna buy the party favors to give out to the kids
-already reserved the jumper for AJ
-changed the date for AJ's bday party from Sat to Sun
-Joanne's baby shower coming up
-updated my profile on myspace (so lame i know) but i found a really cool website and cool background

i'm still trying to add that link for ofoto, but dont know how. i wanna know what happened and why someone is suddenly a swinger. more details later. and tomorrow is Karina well actually its on Sat but her last day. boohoo..allgood she's doin big thangs! and its Janie's bday today Happy Birthday finna get hella DRUNK! hahaha

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