Saturday, September 16, 2006

its been a long time

omg!!! its been like forever since i've been on this much has gone on...

will here's a quick update..
past updates:

08/12 Tuan got his well as Jason...Agana's bridal the weddings coming up!!

08/13 HYATT Regency Hotel..Bridal missed it, that's okay there's one coming up in Jan!

08/14 Isabella (our niece) was born at Sutter Hospital, Sacto 8lbs 7 ounces..she's such a cutie!!

08/18 John's Bday...Happy Birthday John!!!

08/26 Lori and Dru's baby shower @ was great..the games were awesome thanks to me was great watching the guys participate..need any baby shower/bridal shower games that you've never seen at a party before..let me know!!

08/29 AJ started his OT w/ a new therapist Martha..she's great, she just comes hella early on Tuesdays when Tues are really my monday..aagggh

08/30 HAPPY BIRTHDAY EILEEN!!! the 30's is the new 20s!! it was a great turn out at San Pablo Reservoir Park..only thing is Christian hurt his ankle playing w/ the pros at football..hope you're okay now..

08/30 Kat got the key's to her new house...heeeaaaay!!! I'm so proud of her!

09/01 Amina got into a different dept..PAL que and Rob got into Sales..they'll be missed dearly!!What happened to team 11..then team 8...**sniff, sniff**

09/04 WE'RE GONNA BE OPENING OUR BUSINESS SHORTLY!! yup yup..we found a location!!! and fully funded whooooooohooooo!

09/12 GRAY'S ANATOMY OUT ON DVD!!! soooo bought it at Coscto..yup yup 37.98...everywhere else was like $47.00...sorry Kat.. that's just a quick its been soooooo long...
well, nothing really new..i have a secret..can't yet expose it...i'll announce it later..i know you all are guessing..but no...
well, hmmmm..tomorrow or better yet, today is AJ's yearly NICU picnic at Carmichael Park..looking forward to see his old nurses and showing him off!! its at 10-12..i dont know why i'm still awake..but i' have so much to do..
well, besides that i've been really busy working on our business plan..i kinda feel like i'm doing a presentation cause of how i'm typing everything up and in highschool/college all over again.. i guess we do use what we did before..just didnt' feel like it at the time..we'll be opening our automotive repair shop near home at a very location that has much traffic!! its all about location location location!
well, our niece was born a week early...good thing cause Lisa was getting huge!!
they named her Isabella...she's a fatty..big baby.. 8lbs 7 ounces 21 inches long! man!! good thing she came out c-section!
Loris' baby shower was a great turn out! enough people and had great games..great food! the puto and the pancit was bomb!! and the cake was yummy too! Thanks auntie Lily and uncle Tony! that was the first time Bubba, Ian and Jay rode their bikes from Sac to the was a pretty long ride..they had to split lanes eventually cause it got traffic after el we left late and got really hungry and stopped at jack in the crack on red top. Jaymi and I had a great conversation on the way there though..never really talked for that was pretty funny to have the elder filipinos ask " are you gonna be playing the game w/ the cotton? or are you gonna play the one w/ the pins?" and old school games..i wanted the gals and guys to participate!

OH shoot..i forgot..Will and Cris had their baby boy Alex..5 weeks early but way too cute!!! he's great and healthy and that's all that matters..thank the lord.

hmmm..what else..yes, Bubba got his bike that he's been wanting for like forever...its a 97 fatboy! pretty loud..but he looks good in it cause u put him on a street bike and he looks hella fat! hahaha...he just put a white wall on the front, still looking for the rear..possible xmas gift?!?!? we'll see we'll see..and what else...oh yea, his fish tails! sooo asian..its alright not very fond of it..but whatever..

Gray's anatomy came out and i so finished watching the whole season yesterday! yup yup! its soo great...hmm who will meredith chose..mcdreamy? or fin? i've never been so into a dvd untill this one...well, still gotta get season one on dvd..possible xmas request? or bday?

man can you believe that holidays is so around the corner not even funny! i have to start my xmas list..gotta work some extra overtime soon..yup yup!
aj's bday coming up..i can't beleive he'll be two..and i'll be the BIG 25..that's alright i'm not getting old..i soooo need to loose my wieght though! like joke..i'm sooo lagging!
agggghhh! i've never been this big..i hate it! i know marriage life but i so can't blame him (maybe partly) but still i ate the food! and had the baby! argggghhhh...i love you bubba i do!
okay...what else is there..i gotta figure out how the hell to post pics on this thing or the log on to ofoto..
okay more tomorrow..and i'll try to stay posted!

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