Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Lunch w/ Winnie Anne

So last week on Friday I got to see Winnie-Anne! I swear we havent' seen in other since last year as far as going to hang out. She was off so we had lunch at Satori's (yum). What's so funny is we saw her and Joey at church a few weeks back and we were suppose to have a play date w/ the kids on a Sat. I thought I had her number on my phone right cause that Saturday after work which was the following Sunday from when we saw them I called and left her a message to call me back and see if she wanted to meet at Mc D's.

On the vmail, it didn't have a greeting, just the normal automated greeting. So I figured she got busy or forgot. So last week on Thursday I found out I had her # in my phone wrong. Talk about modded!! I bet the person was all like "um, don't know who you're calling" ahahaha.
Oh well, we finally got to get our numbers right.

So, we had a good lunch. I wish I was off though cause I had to go back to work. Maybe, I'll find someone to switch w/ me on a Fri when AJ's off track that way the kids can hang out or something. Anne's daughter is so funny...she texted me earlier telling me she told her we had lunch just us "mommys" and Carm said she was sad cause she wanted to see me too.

Kids. Gotta love them and their responses. :)

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