Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Past Events and Upcoming Events-Main one 03/24

It seems like its been a while since I've blogged, well mainly its cause we've been packing. So word is out, we're moving. We confirmed that the final walk thru is on the 24th of March which is a Saturday. And that's the weekend of our anniversary. That weekend, along with it seems like other weekends coming up are going to be really hectic!

Events coming up:

03/17 St Joseph Prayer at Moreno household
03/22 Happy Anniversary -4 yrs in the making :)
03/24 Alyssa Joy's Bday @ 3:00
Final walk thru
03/25 Kaitlyn's 9th Bday party

So it'll be nice that I have a five day weekend per say, but it'll be a busy one. There's been so many things going on it seems insane! Okay so for work: well, I'm no longer doing mail for the center. SO it totally bugs me, but what can I do. Its wierd cause everyone's dropping it off to me and I HAVE to say, sorry I'm no longer doing it. And what gets to me is there's no one replacing me to do it. There's Tanya, but it was always just Tanya and I doing it. Plus, it's tax season, and its just been busy left and right. I told myself to just relax and not even worry about the phones being in the red, cause we can't do anything about it. Not until April 15 is when it'll slow down a lil bit. But you always have to consider the ones who asked for an extension on their taxes.

Past events:

03/03 Mom's 53rd Bday I haven't uploaded pictures from her camera or mine and will be updating the albums section soon. We took her to Red Lobster in Fairfield, and it was nice, just us w/ Philip. What was cool about it to was that he split the bill. So we just went to dinner and we ended up sleeping over that night. We were all just so tired that we crashed at Mom's house. Next day, it was Rob's surprise bday party. We bought oysters in Vallejo and went back home to Lisa's house. What was cool about it is that he really didn't have any idea. So the first weekend of the month was already hectic.
02/28 (actually 02/29) Rob's 35th Bday-ordered the cake and Lisa planned a party on short notice.

hmm...other than that we went on a ride the other day and it was soooo nice. I was a lil scared, b/c it was the first time I rode w/ just a shirt on. It was like 80 degrees outside and I kept debating on wearing my jacket. So I didn't and we rode along the delta and it was great! I had a blast. It was nice to just be on the bike and just cruise.
Oh, and we watched 300! That movie was SICK! Talk about sexy bodies..wooohooo!!! Soo going to buy that movie when it comes out on DVD.

Oh, and Ning and Alvin's wedding is finalized. It will on at the Foresthill Inn on a Friday April 27th. I'm glad I found someone to switch, cause that weekend, I too will have a five day weekend. Thurs to Monday :) One of the sups, Shawn said that I was swap queen forreal, cause within the past two weeks, I've found people to swap w/ me. Whats nice about it is that one of them will owe me for July so I can ask for it then, and/or I can look for someone to work for me for Brandon's baptism.
That's what's been happening. I still have to look for a dress for the wedding, Plus get AJ's tux cause he's the ring bearer. So I'll end up doing that after the move.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

GREY'S DIAGNOSIS: Which character are you most like?


"You're a perfectionist and you expect nothing less from everyone around you. Even when people complain, they secretly admire you for holding them to your high standards. Your family is your rock, even if you don't get to see them as much as you'd like. But without them, you'd be lost because you can't ever let anyone at work see you're human too."

blog 3: Moving

Yes, we'll be moving in approx three weeks, it could be sooner, but we'll see. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. We haven't mentioned it to anyone yet, so if you guys are reading this well you found out.
This time though I'm looking forward to actually having a house warming and getting the house blessed. We've been looking for some furniture to put in our dinning room, cause now we have a dinning room versus this house we're in now no dinning room. Plus, a couch. We're in so much need of a new couch. We've found a few that we liked..But I think we'll do the move first.

Color scheme: neutral colors and light colors. I know that we'll be painting one of the rooms upstairs, cause its pink. Yup, not cute. Its the guest bedroom and we want it to look nice. And our room, I don't remember if it was painted so gotta paint that. Oh and take out the mirrored closets, not to fond of those.

I have so many ideas that I know I have to wait till we move. I know we should have taken more pictures, maybe we can see the house one more time before we move in.
Sad thing is I'll totally miss our neighbors Chris and Janet. They're the best neighbors ever!!
But we'll totally keep in touch. Maybe even have a lunch thing date thing w/ them once and a while.

So our new neighbors will either love us or hate us. We have two big dogs, a loud harley davidson, and two young people who like to have guests over. :)

blog 2: OT

Oh my!! The night before AJ got hospitalized I worked a 12 hour shift and I was sooooo out of it! I know I'm going to be working more OT soon, but man, its just tiring sometimes. Especially when you have some people at work who just don't make any sense. And Customers..OMG!!

I know its tax season, but seriously, one thing I've learned dealing w/ business customers all day long is the businesses that fail are the ones who don't manage their account. We have people that call in for statements from like 2003, okay that's soooo four years ago...Why? You may ask. Because they're being audited.

Well, last Wednesday I was so out of it and so worn out that I had to get off the phone. I thank Shawn so much for noticing too. I mean, yeah its not to bad w/ being on the phone, but sometimes it just gets to you. I seriously wanted to start looking for another job. I'm just starting to get bored w/ everything. I do mail, I take calls, I sell sell sell, and blah blah blah. I'm not to happy w/ where I'm at so..I guess that can add up to things. But what can I do.

The business should be up and running crossing fingers hopefully in April. So as soon as that's going maybe I can be a stay at home mom. Key word: MAYBE.

blog 1: AJ's hospitalization

So this is the third year that AJ got hospitalized around the same time of the year. He was admitted on the 22nd last Thursday and was diagnosed w/ RSV and pneumonia. I was concerned w/ his breathing the night before, called Dr Maulino and was told to bring him in. Waited it out, cause we were all the way in Fairfield, took him in to his Drs office and was told he should be admitted. He was weazing really bad and had a hard time breathing. He had signs of pneumonia, which totally sucked for him. I felt so bad for the guy. Well, he was put back on oxygen for 3 days and then had to be off for 24 hours in order for him to go home. He's home now, and he's happy. Just gotta continue giving him his breathing treatments.
So NOTE TO SELF around Feb and March, he is to not do anything but stay home! Seriously. I mean, last year we were admitted in the same hospital and coincidentally the same exact room except it was 222A and we were now in 222B.

Soo..although he's already two he will still be very succeptable to getting sick.
It totally took a toll on me especially Sunday night. Man I had the biggest migraine and I couldn't sleep. I know it's due to my BP and the lack of sleep. And what sucks is if you lose sleep you can never get it back.
I had to miss work from Fri, this past MOn and Tues. I lost 6 points so :( frown to that, so the next like three months no calling in for nothing! I have no more PTOK. I have to work up to get my FMLA back and get my points back. I'm now at 11 points which isn't bad cause its still informal, but it's better to be out of informal. I have to sign up for all OT this month in March cause its the last month to get points back.

But I'm really glad he's home. Just gotta be really careful, cause we wouldn't want him to relapse.