Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Past Events and Upcoming Events-Main one 03/24

It seems like its been a while since I've blogged, well mainly its cause we've been packing. So word is out, we're moving. We confirmed that the final walk thru is on the 24th of March which is a Saturday. And that's the weekend of our anniversary. That weekend, along with it seems like other weekends coming up are going to be really hectic!

Events coming up:

03/17 St Joseph Prayer at Moreno household
03/22 Happy Anniversary -4 yrs in the making :)
03/24 Alyssa Joy's Bday @ 3:00
Final walk thru
03/25 Kaitlyn's 9th Bday party

So it'll be nice that I have a five day weekend per say, but it'll be a busy one. There's been so many things going on it seems insane! Okay so for work: well, I'm no longer doing mail for the center. SO it totally bugs me, but what can I do. Its wierd cause everyone's dropping it off to me and I HAVE to say, sorry I'm no longer doing it. And what gets to me is there's no one replacing me to do it. There's Tanya, but it was always just Tanya and I doing it. Plus, it's tax season, and its just been busy left and right. I told myself to just relax and not even worry about the phones being in the red, cause we can't do anything about it. Not until April 15 is when it'll slow down a lil bit. But you always have to consider the ones who asked for an extension on their taxes.

Past events:

03/03 Mom's 53rd Bday I haven't uploaded pictures from her camera or mine and will be updating the albums section soon. We took her to Red Lobster in Fairfield, and it was nice, just us w/ Philip. What was cool about it to was that he split the bill. So we just went to dinner and we ended up sleeping over that night. We were all just so tired that we crashed at Mom's house. Next day, it was Rob's surprise bday party. We bought oysters in Vallejo and went back home to Lisa's house. What was cool about it is that he really didn't have any idea. So the first weekend of the month was already hectic.
02/28 (actually 02/29) Rob's 35th Bday-ordered the cake and Lisa planned a party on short notice.

hmm...other than that we went on a ride the other day and it was soooo nice. I was a lil scared, b/c it was the first time I rode w/ just a shirt on. It was like 80 degrees outside and I kept debating on wearing my jacket. So I didn't and we rode along the delta and it was great! I had a blast. It was nice to just be on the bike and just cruise.
Oh, and we watched 300! That movie was SICK! Talk about sexy bodies..wooohooo!!! Soo going to buy that movie when it comes out on DVD.

Oh, and Ning and Alvin's wedding is finalized. It will on at the Foresthill Inn on a Friday April 27th. I'm glad I found someone to switch, cause that weekend, I too will have a five day weekend. Thurs to Monday :) One of the sups, Shawn said that I was swap queen forreal, cause within the past two weeks, I've found people to swap w/ me. Whats nice about it is that one of them will owe me for July so I can ask for it then, and/or I can look for someone to work for me for Brandon's baptism.
That's what's been happening. I still have to look for a dress for the wedding, Plus get AJ's tux cause he's the ring bearer. So I'll end up doing that after the move.

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