Thursday, June 07, 2007

Internet is back: welcome to Comcast!

Okay so it's been like a hella long time since I've been on this thing. We finally got our internet setup!!! Yay!! In a way its a good thing we didn't get it right away cause there's always wireless internet on the laptop or internet at the shop...either way.

So much to say..mun, so many things have happened within the past few months. I sooo need to update my photos and I will as soon as I get everything uploaded.
Well hmm brief summary is where I will start:

We've moved yup yup...we've been at the new house since March 24th the weekend of Katie's 9th Bday. And the day that Kylie gives birth is of course the day that we move. So it was pretty hard to move from the front door. We tried our best to not bother her. She had a total of 9 pups and 3 died. It was pretty sad, good thing I wasn't there though cause I think I would have freaked out. Instead I was at the hospital that day cause we were scared that AJ may have broke his arm but he just had a swollen muscle.

Alvin and Mina got married..and those photos to come soon. It was fun. Food was great, except I didnt even get to finish my plate, cause I was running around taking pictures and trying to get the slide show ready w/ Joanne. Hehe. Good times. Bubba was sooo tired w/ doing the flowers, I guess when we renew our vows we won't be doing our own flowers.

Cinco De Mayo
Didn't do much. It was Angeliques bday we had her bday party at our house but it was actually on that Sunday. Which was a good thing we waited cause the day of her bday, it was windy and cold. So there was a good amount if kids who came over to go swimming. Not to many people but just enough. I've noticed since we've moved the kids have been enjoying the pool, which is great cause we have much use for it. But on Cinco De Mayo, Oliver and Joce came over and we had taco/burrito dinner. Thanks for the Carnitas Joce it was yummy!! So cliche I know to have mexican food, but it was nice to just chill at home.

House warming. We had our house warming, and not to many people showed up which was okay. There was enough food. If anything no left overs which is like a first. We ordered just enough. Tina and Alonso came thru. Father Suan came all the way from the city to bless the house. Thanks Father Suan. It was a great feeling to have the house blessed cause the old house we didnt have a house warming. And Tuan, Jason and Alex's bikes got blessed to.

Elk Grove Autocare
The shop is going to open on 06/18/07. Not our grand opening but ours doors will be open for business. I'm hoping we can have our grand opening after fourth of July. Things are coming along so far. Its just pretty crazy how you dont realize how many things you have to do. And its a great feeling to say that I'll be the Office Manager. I love my office, better than the one at work. My chair is hella comfy, and I'm loving the Dell computer :)

"Belly" got baptized. Congrats Belles! and same w/ Joshua. So had the party over at Lisa and Robs and just hung out, ate, and chilled. As we do at any family gathering.

hmm..that's it for now that I can remember. I know they'll be more that I'll remember later. I'm just really happy to have my internet back :)
Event to come:

07/14/07: Tuan's Bday Bash..evites to be sent this weekend!

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