Saturday, June 30, 2007

A new day, a positive attitude

Things can really be rough at times, but you always have to remember to be positive. If you're negative it gets you no where and you just fail. It seems that to have that attitude may be impossible to some, but its what you must do to survive. I know that things right now aren't just fabulous, dont get me wrong the business opening is a DREAM COME TRUE!
I am so proud of Anthony for really doing this. I mean, to think he was just talking about it and now its here, for him to go to his OWN shop, he created his OWN was a lot of patience and a lot of work but its really here.

Tuan always stays positive in which I have learned to do. Not to say I'm a negative person, but I always had hesitation and doubt towards certain things in my life. I am very glad to have great friends and close family for just being there. Through good and bad, you guys seem to keep me going.

Well, tomorrow will be a busy day. We've got some appointments lined up so I'm actually excited in putting in the info tomorrow. I just hope we soon get bombarded w/ people. Which I know may sound overwhelming but its so much better to be busy than to be slow. So cross your fingers for us. Till next time!!

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