Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Play Pen

The Pack'n Play-Emelia -$109.99

The Car Seat

Baby Trend Flex Lock Infant Seat-$89.99

The Stroller

Baby Trend Deluxe Sit and Stand Stroller-$159.99

Registries Complete

I have been meaning to get my registry done for my baby shower since last week. I finally was able to do them today. (Sigh) I think this is the first time I had the invitations out before completing the registry.

I didn't register for to many things. I might even delete some things from the registry. I know that I just had to scan what was really important vs. just "cute". I'm just really glad I found the stroller that I wanted. And it's at Target!! It's a dual stroller and it's inexpensive. I really hope I get it (hint hint) to anyone reading this. ;)

Well, I know that it's important to make sure I get the stroller, the car seat, and the play pen with the changing table. For me that seems to be the most important. I mean of course there's the pampers, the batch tub, etc..but I need a car seat to get around. A stroller to push around while I'm getting around...and the play pen to have downstairs.

Now that the registies are over, gotta order the cake...this time I'm wanting to get it made.

24 Weeks woohoo

I have been so nervous about not making it to 24 weeks..and finally as of last Saturday I'm exactly 24 weeks. Woohoo.

For those who don't know, AJ (our first born) was born at 24 weeks exactly. He was only 1 Lb 9 ounces...yes my miracle child. And now that we're pregnant with the second I'm just worried that she'll come early too. They say once a preemie, always a preemie. But so far so good. Now all I have to do is countdown.

I'm due on Aug I'm half way there. 16 more weeks to go..

Friday, April 25, 2008

Paying Attention

Ugh...first blog for the day and it's a frustrating one. So there's a light where the new Grant Line/99 construction where you go over the over pass. There is a sign indicated above and the light is green and the ARROW on the light is telling you to go STRAIGHT. So I'm on my way to the shop and there's a Honda accord in front of me signaling to turn left, where HELLO it clearly says not to. So a tow truck in front of her turns and she can't so she goes straight. I had my window rolled down already prior to us stopping at the light. I hate it when people talk shit and it's there fault and their windows closed. Ugh..I mean, it's bad enough I had to be somewhere but not paying attention to signs and causing traffic is another thing. I mean, c'mon now. It says NO LEFT TURN. Like two bleepin signs. People who don't pay attention while they're driving should not be driving at all.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

TIRED taking over

I have been soo tired lately that it's not even funny. Well, I know it has a lot to do with being pregnant and all, but man I don't remember being this tired. I guess it doesn't help when I have a three year old running around, plus doing my best in helping Anthony at the shop, plus playing housewife and mom, plus being pregnant. Ugh..

I always feel like I'm ready to take a nap. Like just now, I was able to sleep in this morning since the kids (Katie & Angelique slept over) were still sleeping when Anthony left. So you would think I would have a lot of energy. But nope...I got up ate breakfast, fed the dogs, fed the kids, tried to put some stuff away, and now I'm at the shop. I'm ready to lay down again. LIke to seriously go and lay down on the couch and start snoring away.

I have an appointment coming up at three and if I don't have time to take the kids back home, I have to bring them with me. Plus I don't want to be late. The appointment shouldn't take that long (crossing fingers) I hope not. Well, gotta get back to work. Phones ringing. (Yawn)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

San Francisco

Lately we've been going to the city. It seems like something's always coming up. It's crazy! It started with our anniversary, and then weekend after weekend..we're there.
After our anniversary in March, we had to go back and drop off Tita Teresa's car to her cause we had it for a week for Anthony to fix. Then, John's in-laws car needed a tranny..and then, Drew's Bday party @ Blush, then Kaitlyn's Bday and then John and Vanessa's Baby Shower!

So far this weekend, we have nothing planned. Well, I plan on getting things done for the baby shower coming up next month. But it's been cool just going to the city and just hanging out.
We've decided that this month, or no later then next month we'll be getting Fastrac. It's soo worth it and it doesn't expire.

Anyways, on Sunday after the baby shower we were trying to get some cakes at Dianda's but they weren't giving out any of the good ones. I didn't want to just come home and bring brownies. So Tuan decided to take us to Old Navy down town and we got a few things. I don't think I've ever been there. We also walked around Nordies for a lil bit, didn't buy anything. Just looked around. All I know is when I'm ready to go shopping, I'll be back there.

Well, in San Fran that is!

It's a Girl...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Books to Purchase

I have more, but I think this list is good for now. I've been stuck on reading lately, that I do plan to complete my goal of 15 books read this year. If it's more than that, GREEEEAT!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


We've thought of a few names. Came to an agreement for a boy, so here they are..

BOY: Lucas Anthony

GIRL: Arianna Marie (I thought of the first name, Anthony thought of the mid name)
Lauren Bailey (Anthony says this name flows way better)

We'll see...


So this may change after my ultrasound coming up on Tuesday...

Countdown Clocks at

Baby Shower Event coming soon

Okay, so it's Saturday and I'm in Millbrae...I've been meaning to figure out a time when I can get all info together for my baby shower and I finally am able to now...hehe.

Well today is actually Dru's bday bash at Blush, and originally I was just going to stay home with AJ and Anthony was just going to ride his bike out. Well, change of plans. Mom called earlier and said she was going to be in town and was going to pick up AJ. Soo..hmm, should I stay home alone, nah. Anthony said I can just go and hang out..and here I am. Well they just left and I'm at the telly. It's kinda cool cause I can actually get some things done.

So back to baby shower stuff. Joce is going to throw me one in Stockton. I'm sooo excited! I didn't get a chance to have a shower for AJ so now I get to have one. It's so funny cause I was ready to throw one for myself. I've thrown several before so I already knew what I wanted etc.

Well, she's going to help with the main dishes and we get to have the party in her new landscaped backyard...Can't wait. Of course it's going to be co-ed. It's much more fun that way.
I just have to figure out what games to play of course.

Food is pretty much figured out. Hmmm..decor, I have to see what theme I want. And Tuan and I have to register at Target soon. Maybe next weekend. Cause I need to get the invitations out. Oh, this whole baby thing is now starting to get exciting.