Thursday, April 24, 2008

TIRED taking over

I have been soo tired lately that it's not even funny. Well, I know it has a lot to do with being pregnant and all, but man I don't remember being this tired. I guess it doesn't help when I have a three year old running around, plus doing my best in helping Anthony at the shop, plus playing housewife and mom, plus being pregnant. Ugh..

I always feel like I'm ready to take a nap. Like just now, I was able to sleep in this morning since the kids (Katie & Angelique slept over) were still sleeping when Anthony left. So you would think I would have a lot of energy. But nope...I got up ate breakfast, fed the dogs, fed the kids, tried to put some stuff away, and now I'm at the shop. I'm ready to lay down again. LIke to seriously go and lay down on the couch and start snoring away.

I have an appointment coming up at three and if I don't have time to take the kids back home, I have to bring them with me. Plus I don't want to be late. The appointment shouldn't take that long (crossing fingers) I hope not. Well, gotta get back to work. Phones ringing. (Yawn)

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