Friday, August 29, 2008

Pedicure Lady

Only Tom, the tool guy would send me something like this. Hahaha! Coincidence I got my nails done today!

Over due Pedi

I haven't had my nails done for two months! Oh mun, it seems like it's been forever! So today I was able to get my nails did..heyyy. Haha. Thanks Bubba! It was great cause I was actually able to relax and read my book. I felt bad cause I left my phone in the car (not purposely) but when Rochelle sat me down on the pedi massage chair, I wasn't about to go back outside in the heat!

I felt so naked without my nails..and my pedi was way over due. Now I feel pretty again. Soo gay I know. Well, at least when we go out this weekend, they won't be all ugly. Next thing before my bday (haha, it's like all two months away) is a haircut. Or maybe, highlights??!!??

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Congrats Ning!

I would like to congratulate Fermina aka Ning for getting her driving permit!!! Now she'll be driving me, Anthony, Ate and her hubs everywhere haha. J/K. She took her written test today and passed. Woohoo!

Well, she had to take a pic today for her ID and she was all mad cause her hair wasn't fixed. Haha...I remember that when I had to renew my picture when I changed my last name. I was hella pregnant w/ AJ and thought I would just have to sign and show proof of name change etc..then the lady says "Walk this way to take a new picture.." It was all 8:30 in the mornin' hair all ugly and soo not cute. But I had to take it.

So as a treat we took her to Satori's. Yumm! Congrats again Ning. Now lets have you drive me to the mall :)

Midnight Olympics

So last week I was able to watch something on TV while I was up feeding Leanna. Now there's nothing on TV really anymore. It kinda sucks, I think I'm having olympic withdrawals..haha.
Now the only things to watch it seems are Roseanne, infomercials, and if I get lucky something good on HBO.

This morning I got up around 4ish and started watching the news. I think I might join the 4:30AM club on News 31 haha. They just recently started airing at 4:30 in the morning like two weeks ago. I use to hate watching them cause they weren't very news like...then Anthony started watching them and I got stuck watching them in the morning. They're ghetto and fun at times, but I guess that's what makes them interesting to watch. Oh well, it's either the news or nothing..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

AJ's back to school

Today AJ went back to school! He was soo excited this morning. I'm glad I didn't wake up to late. We got home late from picking him up from grandma and grandpas house in I thought I would wake up way after the alarm.

Well, he looked soo cute with his back pack and his outfit. Grandma and grandpa bought him a Dickies back pack and it's just his size! I gotta upload the pics later on tonight. When we got to school he was soo excited to see Ms. Iris. He had her as his teacher/speech therapist last year, but the biggest difference is he's now in a classroom with 4 other students. 3 boys and 1 girl.
It's pretty cool how this preps him for preschool. They're going to learn to get in line and walk into the classroom. As well as raising their hands to ask a question to having homework.

He already has homework today! And a project! Talk about putting the child (the parent haha) to work!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Ugh! So I finally chose a new template! It took me forever to play around with this thing, and finally figured it out! I tried going to the website Joy suggested, but the background I wanted kept giving me an error message...oh well. Then I found, and it was as simple as copy and paste.

I lost some of my links which I have to go back and re-add, but I'm glad I was able to change it. Woohoo..

Monday, August 11, 2008


I got a hotsling for my baby shower and I love it!!! It's like the best invention ever. I wish I had one for AJ. I started using it when Leanna had her first dr appt about two weeks ago. I had to take her in to recheck her billie ruben level...and I was a little nervous of using it since I've never had one and/or used one before. Since then I've used it ever since. I love how I can use both my hands without having to worry so much about her falling out. Don't get me wrong I still get nervous but it's just cause it's so comfortable that I get a lil peranoid.

Well, if anything I'm already looking for another one to interchange with. I know (just a reason to shop) but's well worth it! I do totally recommend Hotslings to any expectant/new mom! What's cool about it too is that if you register at Target you can get it Target! It's inexpensive and it's totally stylish! Just as they've advertise it!

Now I'm just debating on which one to get next..there's a red one from the with flowers for $39.99, but there's items on sale from Hotslings for $24.00..decisions decisions :)



I went to work back at the shop. Yup...crazy I know. But you gotta do what you gotta do..Tuan said he needed me there so, I went in thinking I would only be there for a few hours and ended up being there all day! Thanks Glo for watching the kids. I was so sleep deprived that I was seriously running on fumes! I was there but my brain was elsewhere.
Later in the evening, Tuan went to pick up a van from El Dorado Hills..and Joce and O came over. I ordered the fight and we hung out for a lil bit. Thanks Joce and O for dinner! We had mexican food, and I now have a new thing to order from the mexican restuarant across the freeway. She ordered me a super quesadilla. Yumm!!


Went to church. Had Hometown Buffet, since the kids wanted it. Mainly Angelique...that's like her favorite place to eat forreal! And then went home thinking I would do some things around the house and ended up just milkin it! We all (except Ate, Katie, and Belles) fell asleep! Watched the olympics and Edward Scissorhands and fell asleep! Then Jen came over to visit to see me and the baby. Thanks Jen for the blanket, bibs, and washclothes. Things I totally need! Well, not me persay but..Leanna..

Well that was my weekend. Boring I know. I'm hoping I can get things done this week, whether it's my scrapbook, house work, organizing, etc.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

2 Kids

2 all I have to say. Anyone with two kids will totally understand how tiring it is to have two kids around. I guess it won't be to bad if one is like eight and the other is a newborn. Just cause the eight year old can help you do things.

I mean, AJ helps me somewhat, but he's still learning how to do things himself. He can't exactly bottle feed his sister if I asked him to. Haha. If he did that would be scary!

Well, I am soo sleep deprived I just have to laugh it off. I have Leanna on a schedule and I've been sticking to it. I actually changed her hours a little bit. She was feeding between 2, 5, 8 and 11 round the clock. Now she's at 1, 4, 7, and 10. It's easier that she's on the new schedule cause Tuan can wake up to feed her before he goes to work and feeds her when he gets home for me to take a break.

It's weird they say to sleep when the baby sleeps, and I really can't seem to do that. I mean if I'm to the point where I'm going to pass out then I'll take a nap when they're both sleeping. But if I know I can get some things done around the house whether it's to take a shower, eat or pick up some toys I'll do it.

In addition, these kids have to be taken everywhere with me. I mean it is my responsibility. But I can't wait to just be able to go and get a pedicure without the two kids. I know that sounds selfish, but hey it's something I have to look forward to. (Hopefully by this weekend)
Sigh. The joys of motherhood...