Saturday, July 21, 2007

just a Friday night

I don't know why I'm just hella awake on a Friday night or better yet, its now Saturday early morning technically since its after midnight..and just blogging. So it's been a while since I've up to date w/ everything. I guess I've just been busy with the shop and just doing things around the house. Plus, it seems lately the days just go by way to fast. Like I swear it was Sunday last night, and now it's Friday all over again. Man, this whole getting older stuff (even though I'm young haha) seems to be getting to me lately. Is it cause I'm afraid? or is it cause there's so many little things going on around me that I'm trying to put it all together.
Don't get me wrong, life is great. could it be better...well of course. but you learn and i've learned that you be happy with what you have because things can be soooo much worse. Seriously. I know i've read other blogs, quotes and stories about just life....but when you sit down and actually think about your own, its a lot of things to think about. I mean, seriously.
For instance, I would have never thought that I would be considered a part business owner at the age of 25. is that so-real?? I mean, although Tuan is one of the primary owners, and yeah I'm his wife and stuff...but I just realized how much of a big part I actually play in the whole thing. Its kind of amazing! Its a lot of things to do, which is great, cause it keeps my mind busy and working. just like anywhere its always good and better to stay busy rather than be slow. but, its so much stuff. like all the admin paperwork, learning how to be a service advisor (writer) and just getting clients in. I never realized how complicated a vehicle and being able to understand all the diagnostic stuff until now. Hey i'm a girl!

And then there's my life. me myself and i. like with what I want to do. I was talking to a friend of mine over the weekend, Gemma, about how she's an RN and how her and her husband were looking for a car and how she didn't even need her husbands income. It really made me think. Like I know its totally weird how it comes from how our conversations went about to just me thinking about my life. But I want to be able to be set and just financially stable where I don't have to worry about Tuan's income. Not like we're hella broke, but you know just not really have to worry about that. So I was thinking and calculating, okay so I have five more years until I'm thirty, I can still go to school and finish and just pursue nursing..OR should I open up my own day care.

I know way off, not really but...Tuan and I were talking about it on the way to Union City when we went to pick up some parts for the CRX. Like, how it wouldn't take that long to get all the certifications through the county and state..and just get all the education needed for it. I know there's hella kids in Elk Grove! Everyone's looking for a good day care. It pays, and I love kids. But I just need to do more research on it. It's kinda scary cause man, if we both had our own businesses! that would be insane! right?!? I don't know, I have to figure it out very soon. Time seems to be running out. or at least that's how i feel.

Part of me feels like i'm just rambling. But part of me just feels like what I'm saying is really making sense. or is it not? I don't know.

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