Saturday, July 21, 2007

Venti light iced Chai w/ Soy Milk

So I totally have a new drink thanks to Glo! hahaha. I was soo stuck on my tall non fat white peppermint mocha (all throughout the year) that I didn't want to try anything else. Nor did I even think to look at anything else on the menu. So one day, I think it was for Tuan's bday, actually for 4th of July Glo and I had to get some stuff at ate's house and she had mentioned her drink. I was a lil hesitant cause at first, its like well, I always get the same thing, but chai, what's that??

OMG! It's sooo yum! I think it's healthier too cause it has soy milk and it's chai tea! So I have a new drink from Starbucks. Its a dollar cheaper when I go to Java City in Raleys so I'll get it there too. It taste the same, and I think the cup is larger haha. Lite on ice please? So that's been my drink lately.

LAME. So blogging about a new drink haha. Well, I'm still here at the shop waiting to leave. I'm sooo hungry. I feel like I can eat a cow. I was craving for some salad earlier, now I think I want a regular carnitas burrito. Well, I'll have to swim it off later.

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