Monday, February 25, 2008

The Announcement

All day today I've been in the ER, or actually the Triage at UC Davis Med Center. I've been really sick..flu like symptoms and just coughing up a storm. It hurts so much when I cough I'm actually cramping. Well, today I got to rest a little bit, had some IV fluids, and got checked. So far everythings good.

I have my old neighbors The Bamboa family to thank for that! Without them, I probably wouldn't know what direction to take.

This is my official announcement that Anthony and I are having baby #2! Yes sir! We're pregnant.

We've told almost everyone, except his sisters. I think he's going to tell them this week. I am so relieved though cause I got to hear the baby's heart beat and even got to get an ultrasound. It's pretty cool. I have to upload it and show the picture.

Well, I'm going to rest now. Its been a long day.

1 comment:

Arlynn said...

wow congrats you guys!