Wednesday, November 28, 2007


We had a long 4-day weekend, which we were sooo looking forward to. It sucks that now it's all over. But it was nice to just be off and hang out. On Thanksgiving day, actually on thanksgiving eve Tuan smoked a beef brisket, which was pretty good! It took 12 hours, so him and his dad were checking on it throughout the night. Then in the morning, I went running with Kylie for about 30 minutes. We didn't go to far, cause I'm not use to running with a dog. I'm proud of myself for getting up and running. I was just going to sleep in and do nothing. Hahahaa. Just milk it!
Well, I didn't. I also cooked puto. Yup yup. I went to Big Lots to get the small little pans. I have to return the ones I bought from Wal-Mart this week. It turned out pretty good. The only thing is the green ones were too green. I think I put a lil too much food coloring. But it was still good :).
Maybe I'll make some for New Years. We'll see.
But Thanksgiving was good. Went to ate's house and just ate and watched some tv. We finally showed the shop to Tito Sammy and Jojo. It was great to hear them say they were proud of Tuan. I mean, Tuan works hard and busts his butt off, not that no one else does, but to hear that from his relatives is great!
But, we didn't do the Midnight madness on shopping. It was pretty cold, and we ended up falling asleep. I think we just wanted to enjoy the day off and relax with the fam. Which was good too.

Happy Thanksgiving Cards

So I made 160 Thanksgiving cards, to most of our customers. Why thanksgiving cards?? Well, everyone expects a Xmas card, but not a Thanksgiving card from your Auto Repair Shop. Soo...I hand made all of them. Yes. And I re-did the ones that I asked for help on, cause they weren't cut right. I had Tuan help me cut like 50 one night. He was sooo tired. Thanks Bubb! That's why I love him.
So, Tuan made some calls today to follow up on customers, and he was thanked for the Thanksgiving cards. That made me feel really great about making them. For Xmas I'm just ordering cards from IDEA. I figured, thanksgiving cards are worth hand making, but Xmas cards are much easier to order since they come in bulk.
Thank you to all our clients who have made our shop successful thus far!

Several Posts Ahead

So, I have a small break down of my new posts: Thanksgiving, DJ's 21st Bday, Shopping after Thanksgiving, Getting ready for Xmas!

Monday, November 19, 2007

With Every Heartbeat

With Every Heartbeat Lyrics - Robyn Lyrics
Robyn Lyrics - With Every Heartbeat Lyrics

Maybe we could make it all right
We could make it better sometime
Maybe we could make it happen baby
We could keep tryingbut things will never change
So I don’t look back
Still I’m dying with every step I take
But I don’t look backJust a little, little bit better
Good enough to waste some time
Tell me would it make you happy baby
We could keep tryingbut things will never change
So I don’t look back
Still I’m dying with every step I take
But I don’t look back
We could keep tryingbut things will never change
So I don’t look back
Still I’m dying with every step I take
But I don’t look back
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
It hurts wïth every heartbeat

R.I.P Cathalyn Jane Flores-Bantug

She's only 26 years old. She's my cousin, like an older sister, who is loved dearly and will be dearly missed. She's a friend, a mother, a daughter, a wife. She left behind a beautiful daughter, whom I can't wait to see, and a family whom will miss her dearly. She is now at peace and with her father.

Her viewing is today in Belmont, CA. I will be attending by myself. I'm excited to see the other cousins, (cousins from which are on my mom's side) whom I haven't seen in almost 10 years. Its sad that under these circumstances we are reuniting. But it will be nice to see them all.

I will be blogging a little more about this later. Right now, I'm still in shock with the whole thing. It's so wierd, because I know I just talked to her a few months ago. There's so many feelings, that I tried to write on paper, but seemed so hard to express.

Cat, I love you and I will miss you dearly. I'm glad I was able to have lunch with you and was able to keep in touch with you before this incident happened. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. I am very happy you told me you were proud of me. Those words meant more to me than you will ever know. I will see you again.....someday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Weight Loss Here I come!

Okay, so I don't know if I mentioned that I've been walking with my old neighbor Janet three times in the week, and I'm aiming to run for the other two with Anthony. I'm really trying my best to lose weight. I've been thinking about my health and I've been watching way too many reality shows to make sure I soo don't get that fat. I mean I've gained a good amount of weight for being married for almost five years, and for having a three year old. It totally sucks! But I really have to lose it now!
I don't want to be close to 200 Lbs by the time I'm thirty. My goal is to lose at least 30 Lbs min and max of 40-45. I want to get back to 120 Lbs. Right now I'm about 160. YUCK! I know I can't even believe I admitted my own weight. But I just want to be healthy and back in shape. I mean it's painful and hard, but I have to do it. Plus we're really planning on renewing our vows, so I have to start now. Or I'll never lose this weight. So tonight, after Tuan's finished cleaning out his fish tank, we're going on a run. Woohoo. Weight loss here I come. I really hope I lose it all or the amount I want by next spring. Before our bet time.

Winter Season is here

Last night AJ had a slight fever, which sucked cause he woke up a few times in the middle of the night. The first time, he woke up to tell me he was cold, and then the second time he was telling me he was hot. He woke up another time making sure I was hugging him. Cute, I know..but not when you're sleepy.

So all day today, I was pretty much home. I gave him his meds this morning, and he was just out of it. I was trying to encourage him to just sleep it off. Its good he slept from 1 until about 4. I was sleepy too, so I took a nap with him. I wanted to start putting things away in the house, but I have to finish doing the laundry from this past weekend. Speaking of which I gotta run to the store, either Wal-mart tonight or tomorrow to get some more laundry detergent.
Anyways, so I know winter is here, cause AJ getting a fever, and I feel like I'm getting a slight cold. It gets really cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon. I can't even believe that Thanksgiving is like next week!! Then it'll be Xmas then Welcome 2008. Well, gotta get ready for the holidays. This is the only year that I'm NOT prepared for it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Returning from vacation

Ok so we went. We went to Disneyland on Saturday and then we also ended up going to Universal on Sunday. I didn't think we were going to go to Universal cause of funds, but I guess Lisa bought tickets online, she just had to print them...and they were we have a season's pass for next year. That's pretty cool. I have to read into see if it's usable in FL if we really go next year.

So here's a break down:

We left Elk Grove around 8:30 in the evening. Got some Starbucks and arrived in Anaheim at about 2:45 AM. Not bad.
Anthony drove first then I drove for a little bit, then he drove the rest of the way there. The drive wasn't so bad. I was wide awake since I had some starbucks.

It wasn't as crowded as last year. We went last year on Nov 18th. This year, the Xmas tree wasnt up yet, but it seems as most of the decor is already up. We pretty much went on the same things except, Bubba, Glo and I went on Adventure Island and I got to take a picture w/ Jack Sparrow. (pictures to come soon) I felt really bad cause I know Katie has been wanting to see him and this is the 2nd year which she missed him. She was on a ride so we took advantage to killing time by walking around.
AJ was still scared of the characters which I should have expected. We got to ride some rides w/ him. He freaked out when we went on the carousel. SOO embarrasing. He was kicking and screaming and was just afraid for his life. But we didn't take that many pictures this year. I think I'm going to put the pictures taken in a scrapbook. I wasn't in that many pictures cause I was the photographer. I guess that's what happens when you take a good amount of the pictures.
Well, I'll discuss more later. It's dinner time.

Friday, November 09, 2007


I'm am soo not looking forward for this weekend. I really don't want to go anymore. But I guess we're still going. What sucks is that we sooo don't have money to go. It's much more exciting when you go out of town and have a sufficient amount of money. Not like a whole lot, but you know enought to just go and spend some extra money other then the hotel, food, gas, etc.

I guess Lisa's going to help us, but that's just another expense along the line to add. I don't know. Ugh.

I mean I feel bad, cause we can't cancel the rental car, the hotel etc. But I don't think I'll have as much fun as I think.

Well, the only thing I've been really excited about is walking. Janet (our old neighbor) and I are walking 3 miles every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We have the other days off, but I'm aiming to run the Mondays and Wednesdays. We did it all this week, so more to do next week.

I'm still aiming for my goal of 30lbs so we'll see what happens. I've been really good about my food intake too. I'm trying to watch what I eat, and I'm trying to have vegetables daily. Which I know is hard, but I've actually been craving for them.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


OMG! Well, on Sunday Anthony took the filters for the pool out to clean them up, and I guess he forgot to turn off the pump. WOOPS! More like BIG WOOPS!
So he came home last night and there was NO MORE water in the pool. Yes. There's like a small little puddle in the deep end. Sounds great considering it's winter time, but not so great cause that's a whole hellofalot of water. I seriously am soooo sad about it. Can you imagine our next water bill! Oh mun! So I find out today it's not too bad, it'll be like 300 or something, but that's just a scary thought!
So I know we have to put water in the pool very soon. More like tomorrow, cause since the pool is made to have weight of the water in would be smart to put the water in asap then later. I guess if you wait long enough, the concrete can crack and the pool can surge up. Not another headache I'd like to have. But yea, I felt really bad cause I know the water went to our neighbors side. I guess they tried knocking on the door around 5:30 and of course we got in about 7:00. (sigh) And they didn't have the number to call the shop or Anthony's cell phone. Well, just another expense to deal with. We went from just replacing the filters which would be $60 bucks a piece, and there's four. So that's $240.00. Now the filters plus I'm hoping only $300.00 worth of water! Ugh! But I'd rather cough out $600 bucks to take care of the problem, then a thousand plus. I wouldn't know what to do if that happened.

Clean House

So all day today I took advantage of AJ being w/ mom and dad while I cleaned house. I'm pretty tired! I wanted to go shopping earlier but I said nevermind. Plus we have our trip this coming weekend. This weekend we're going to Disneyland!!!
So I wanted to make sure that before we left that the house would be clean. I mean who would want to go on a trip and come back home to a dirty house! I know I wouldn't. So now I'm just finishing laundry. I started packing for this weekend, but I know that I have to rearrange some things before I know I'm completely packed. I got the important stuff ready to go.
I checked the weather for this weekend in Anaheim and it said 60s to 70s. So I know for sure gotta pack a jacket. I debating if I want to go and get a fleece fit from Old Navy. I want to be comfortable while I'm walking around.
Well, I finished cleaning most of the house, except for the vaccuming upstairs. I need to finish cleaning the bathrooms and the rooms. I know, why am I totally blogging about cleaning, I think it's just cause I'm tired. It was nice to clean without any interruptions. Not that AJ is an interruption, but I got to vaccuum without him freaking out and I got to clean the kitchen floor with bleach..etc.

But I have sooo sad news... find out on my next blog!