Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Weight Loss Here I come!

Okay, so I don't know if I mentioned that I've been walking with my old neighbor Janet three times in the week, and I'm aiming to run for the other two with Anthony. I'm really trying my best to lose weight. I've been thinking about my health and I've been watching way too many reality shows to make sure I soo don't get that fat. I mean I've gained a good amount of weight for being married for almost five years, and for having a three year old. It totally sucks! But I really have to lose it now!
I don't want to be close to 200 Lbs by the time I'm thirty. My goal is to lose at least 30 Lbs min and max of 40-45. I want to get back to 120 Lbs. Right now I'm about 160. YUCK! I know I can't even believe I admitted my own weight. But I just want to be healthy and back in shape. I mean it's painful and hard, but I have to do it. Plus we're really planning on renewing our vows, so I have to start now. Or I'll never lose this weight. So tonight, after Tuan's finished cleaning out his fish tank, we're going on a run. Woohoo. Weight loss here I come. I really hope I lose it all or the amount I want by next spring. Before our bet time.

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