Wednesday, November 28, 2007


We had a long 4-day weekend, which we were sooo looking forward to. It sucks that now it's all over. But it was nice to just be off and hang out. On Thanksgiving day, actually on thanksgiving eve Tuan smoked a beef brisket, which was pretty good! It took 12 hours, so him and his dad were checking on it throughout the night. Then in the morning, I went running with Kylie for about 30 minutes. We didn't go to far, cause I'm not use to running with a dog. I'm proud of myself for getting up and running. I was just going to sleep in and do nothing. Hahahaa. Just milk it!
Well, I didn't. I also cooked puto. Yup yup. I went to Big Lots to get the small little pans. I have to return the ones I bought from Wal-Mart this week. It turned out pretty good. The only thing is the green ones were too green. I think I put a lil too much food coloring. But it was still good :).
Maybe I'll make some for New Years. We'll see.
But Thanksgiving was good. Went to ate's house and just ate and watched some tv. We finally showed the shop to Tito Sammy and Jojo. It was great to hear them say they were proud of Tuan. I mean, Tuan works hard and busts his butt off, not that no one else does, but to hear that from his relatives is great!
But, we didn't do the Midnight madness on shopping. It was pretty cold, and we ended up falling asleep. I think we just wanted to enjoy the day off and relax with the fam. Which was good too.

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