Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Valentine

For Valentines Day I worked. It sucked, but I'm just glad it wasn't busy. I've been doing really good w/ trying to stay on the phone. Gotta get my numbers up and meet compliance.

Well, I was teasing Bubba about how I'm looking forward to my flowers, although I know I wasn't going to get any. He'll be going on a run this weekend, so I didn't expect anything. Plus I got my MotoKrzr. So I'm happy :)

Well, around 9ish..I get a call and I couldn't answer it cause I was on a call w/ a customer. He shows up w/ flowers (one to put on my desk-a plus), a balloon and some candy. Cause I was teasing him how I only got Chinese food for lunch haha. But the security guard told me he dropped it off, and good thing I caught him in time to turn around. I brought AJ in the building for a lil bit and he was shy as usual. He saw Elisa and Shawn, the only two people from my old team that mattered. Well, I was totally surprised, and that made my night. Thanks Bubba, I love you! So that was my Valentines...dinner to come next weekend, or next week. I've really been craving sushi lately, so I'm hoping we can head out to the city and get some reservations.

Hope everyone had a great Valentines day. I know I did, even though I was at work, I'm I was surprised w/ AJ and all the other little things.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

~~>@ To everyone

Myspace Comments

Jason's Bday

Okay so I soo lagged to post these but here ya go-(sorry Jason)


AJ is sooooo smart. It makes me so proud on how he's doing. He knows his letters, we've been working w/ him on his flashcards, and he knows about all of them. He struggles with some, like the M and the T but he only makes mistakes sometimes. I think what's really helped him is his favorite toy, the hot wheels laptop that was given to him for his birthday. He LOVES that thing!
He always comes up to me and says "mommy open open" its soo adorable.

He also knows his numbers from 1 thru 20. There are a few numbers like 14 and 15 where it sounds like he's saying 13 but we're working on it. It amazes me, cause I've talked to a few people and they have kids same age as AJ and they're full term, versus AJ being a preemie...and they still don't know there letters. Or their numbers, and they would rather pay attention to something else then wanting to learn. AJ wants to learn, he wants to sit down, and that's the best thing about it.

This goes back to spending time w/ your kids. It makes me proud that he's doing more then an average two year old. He can be very impulsive, but it comes down to teaching him not to be.
I pat my self on the shoulder for that. Its one step to being a smart kid.

Can you have it "all"?

So I was watching Oprah I think sometime last week, or the week before and there was an issue of if women having it "all"...the degree, the job, the parenting, but at the same time do a great job at all three. It consisted of stay at home moms vs career mothers. Which, was a big debate. Some of them weren't really making any sense. For example, there was a stay at home mom who said that she would rather have her be able to hug and spend time w/ her child then put them in daycare. Okay SERIOUSLY! You can hug your child anytime, its just the time you put into your child. I think people can be great parents as long as theres a balance on things. Mother or Father..regardless of how tired you are from work, spend time w/ your child. Let them know that you're there for them and that you love them.

Like AJ..that's mainly the reason why I work in the evenings so we don't have to put in him day care and that we have an equal amount of time that we spend w/ him. I have him in the morning and Tuan has him at night. Now that he's two, he requires a lot of attention. At this age, he's a sponge. Everything you say and do he trys to mock just cause he's learning. But he knows we're there for him. He calls me when he needs me and lets me know. He's so smart!!! We're very fortunate w/ how he's doing with his development because he was extremely premature.

Well, Tuan and I had a conversation about this the other night the whole having it all thing..and I think its really hard to have it all. I mean, I really really want to go back to school, but its hard cause of work and bills. Plus, being a mom. I give props to people who can do it, but I know that they have a lot of help. Yes, we have the help of Tuan's sisters, BUT they're also in school and they take of not only AJ but our nieces as well. I just want to finish is my point. And the only way is thru online classes. I've learned working at Wells, I love to do paperwork. Sounds weird I know, but I like to do admin stuff. So I figured I major in Business Administration.
There are so many things w/ having it all. Being a parent, spending time w/ the family, cleaning house, maintaining bills, being a wife. Yeah, for some its nothing, but it's really hard! I mean, its not difficult to the point where I feel like I'm going to fall apart, but it can be overwhelming.

For instance, I would love it sometimes if Tuan helps clean house. He does his part but I feel like I have to do it almost all the time. I don't have anyone to clean up after me and for AJ. I wish I could just relax in the morning and do nothing, and I admit I do that sometimes...but it creates a pile of work the next day or on my day off. Like dishes, I hate when there's dishes in the sink; laundry..when its laundry day it seems like theres 4 loads of laundry!!

Then there's work. I'm not happy w/ what I'm doing. Tuan says I just get bored, but answering the phones all day long sometimes can be really stressful. I stick it out cause of the benefits, the money, and the 401k. I would love to work for the state, or the county. I've looked around, and am still looking around, but w/ Tuan's business opening I want to be able to help him. Its hard to open a new business and just hire someone w/out having a backbone. And that's just from what I hear w/ people who have opened there business..heck I talk to business cust all day long!!

Parenting. I do my best to be there for my son. I want him to know Mommy loves him and would do anything for him, but there are boundaries. I want him to be disciplined and respectful towards others, as my parents have taught me. I don't expect him to be perfect, because yes NO ONE is perfect, but expecting that just leads him to fail. I want the best for him and I want him to be known as a "good guy". Even when I get old. Like there's this guy named Andy from BFMC, and when you first see him he's rugged looking but very humble. He was the only one who chatted w/ Tuan and I, and Lori and Dru at Ian and Jaymi's wedding from the club. He didn't have to talk to us, but with his politeness and kindness it makes me think, his mom raised a great man. Even when he came over for a party we had, he asked about the food w/ interest versus just eating it. I want AJ to be like that. I don't expect him to be a hero, but to be helpful towards others. I'm assuming most parents want these simple things from their kids, cause these simple things start at home. And it ALWAYS almost all the time reflects on the parents.

So having it "all" can be accomplished, but not all at the same time. I hope one day I can look back and say "I did it all, and now I have it all".

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Pre-Valentines Gifts

So I got my Valentines day gift!!! :)
Bubba got me a phone. I got the new MotoKrazr, and its soo freakin cute. I love it. It has all the features thats on his LG phone but its way slimmer. He was gonna get the blackberry and just give me his old phone, which I totally would not have minded cause I was getting use to his phone, but he thought of getting me a new one.

I got him his chaps and his skinnys. Not bad for their price. He's happy cause he gets to wear them when he goes on his run for Mardi Gras w/ Ian and the other guys. I know it'll help keep him warm. I'm glad I got the bigger size too. I was originally just gonna get him the top and bottom, but the chaps were a lil cheaper then before so I got both.

I didn't think that he was gonna get me a phone. I told him, if its for his bike and its for me I don't want it haha. But I DL my ringtones and I'm happy. I just went thru Verizon to do it cause it seemed much to complicated to go thru the net.

Well, then there's our anniversary. Its next month, but I already have in mind on what to get him. I gotta check and make a few phone calls tomorrow just to make sure its even something that he can use. I'm glad he liked it. Plus, on V-day we're both working, and I may even be working on the 15th for OT. So we may not even have a chance to do the whole dinner date thing. But we shall see. I really wanna go to Japenese restuarant. Gotta love my sushi. I mean, there's Mikuni's but ehh..I'll look for something downtown. Or maybe even Sushi King.

It has to be for either this Sunday, cause I work mad early on Monday (more OT) and next weekend, he has his run, plus I work on the following Monday for a shift swap. Oh, and I know we'll have a movie date coming up cause Ghostrider is out on the 16th w/ Nicholas Cage. Gotta watch that. I'm hoping its good!!

OG team was better

I drives me mad when people can't stand up for themselves, or can't think for themselves. Seriously!! Oh my, what a day at work! It was going okay until I listened to a QA.
I just hate the fact that things have to go and be referred to by upper mgmt. I'm so not good w/ micro management, and how certain people can't just make a decision for themselves.

I miss the old team 11. I mean to OG team, when like April, Savi, Jamie, and when we had Dennis as the sup. I know things change, and change is good, but sometimes...just sometimes, I wish things were back to the way they were. Enough said.

Well, I don't know if I'll be continuing to do the mail for the center anymore, cause it seems that there may be an issue. I love to do it cause it makes the day go by fast for me. It makes taking the calls fast and it allows me to multitask. But if it creates issues, then I just wont do it.
I'm not happy with where I'm at. I might look around but we'll see. I have to get situated w/ Tuan's business and everything. I know once it gets going and it gets busy I may not even have to work. I can play house mom and office manager all at the same time. Until then, gotta keep my head up and just put a smile on. I know totally fake, but it gets you thru work sometimes.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


okay so I sooooo HAVE TO gather everything for taxes tomorrow so we can submit them. i'm laggin arggh! its been so hectic, its insane! busy at work, tired from work, and just things to do at home.

That's what's on my TO DO list tomorrow. Yesterday was All Hands On Deck, cause I guess now we're one whole NBBC. We have another call center which is at Shoreview, MN and their numbers yesterday were horrible, so we have to pick up the slack for them. It totally sucks.
I'm hoping today won't be to bad.

Well, tomorrow is Thursday and AJ has his two appointments, I have to remember to make sure he'll be fully awake for them and that we don't wake up to early. Cause if we wake up really early then he'll be knocked out when Martha gets here. Oh, and Jen and her hubby and baby are supposedly coming over for dinner at Lisa's house tomorrow. I'll know for sure tonight, or tomorrow. I haven't heard from them so we'll see. Well gotta check and make sure I have everything prepared for what to look for and who to call to get all the paperwork tomorrow. Oh my and I have a Dr appt!! Hectic I tell you!

Monday, February 05, 2007

it's official

Today we announce Fermina and Alvin Adapon!! So it's official, Ning is now in the married club!
Yup, this morning they got married civilly and then now comes the planning of the real wedding. The whole reception and getting remarried in front of the whole family. Congratulations!


Sat: Event J
We were late for reservations, but we left earlier then planned. I mean we did come from Elk Grove, and had to drop off AJ to my moms. I was a lil irritated cause I felt like I heard it the whole time from Jo..uggh! I swear, people work on the weekends out here in the valley. and there is such thing called traffic. But dinner at La Barca was good. Then the only ones from dinner that ended up at the club is me, Bubba, Jason, Ay and Anne. We went to Club Roe whihc is done the street from NV. We made Anne stay out the whole time. Good times :) . Didn't have to much to drink, just enough to be tipsy. Jason's cousins were there and we danced a lil and it was a good vibe. OMG! guess who I saw there, I saw Olivia from High School. It was nice to see her. We're planning on having lunch or something.
After the club we to lucky chances, had some grub and slept over at Ay Ay's in Pinole.

Sun: Super Bowl XLI (I finally figured out that it meant 41, 50-10+1)
I really didn't feel like going cause I wanted to pick AJ up. But we went and they had a lot of food. I was pretty tired. Same folks were there Jo's coworkers and us and Lisa and the kids came after we did. Just ate watched the game and then hung out for a lil bit. We left before the game was over cause we still had to get AJ and the drive to Elk Grove. Then we came home watched Milan (some filipino movie from my parents house) and just knocked out.

So that was our weekend. Hopefully everyone had a good one! Pictures to come soon from Jason's Bday.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Long Blog

Okay, so Event J is tomorrow. Jason so laughed at me that I called it that. haha. Well, I made the reservations for tomorrow at La Barca San Fran. Its a mexican cuisine off of Lombard St. We were originally going to go to Gravity but plans changed. We are now on the guestlist to go to Club Roe which is off of Howard St. Somewhere different. Its suppose to be crackin, so we'll see.
I hope its not too crowded. But hey there's always Gravity.

So there's dinner reservations for 8 @ 8:00 (cute). That way its gives Tuan and I time to get ready and then drive up to the bay. We're also going to pick up Ay Ay. So it totally works out. Then we're going to be heading out for dinner, I think we're going to pick up Jason. Cause I know he's not gonna drive. Jay you're gonna get drunk! I have to double check to see what time we have to be in line for that club. I think it's 11.

Well, I'm looking forward to this weekend. Sooo many things have been happening that I'm looking to consume alcohol. Sounds bad I know, but it'll be good to get away and party. We don't party very often. On Sunday we're suppose to go to Jo and Eileen's for Superbowl Sunday, but we're dropping AJ off to mom's house so we have to pick him up on Sunday before she goest to work. Originally he was going to be at Lisa's house, but talked to mom and said that she can watch him on Saturday. Which is cool, cause she can spend time w/ him. And plus dad can play with him too. So, we'll probably be watching the game here at home.

I gotta clean house tomorrow, before we leave. Never wanna leave the house messy before going out of town. It's just so much nicer to come home to a clean house. Oh, and if I haven't mentioned yet, Ning and Alvin are getting married!! They'll do the civil thing on Monday at City Hall and then they're still looking for a place hopefully for March around Ning's bday. I wanna help plan it, but it's her day so..I'll just give some suggestions and ideas. I just can't wait until Bubba and I renew our vows.

I also finally got my very own helmet. I got the chips one. haha. We went riding on Monday and he took me to work on Tuesday. It's great to have my own helmet. I love it! I got the flat black one and I got it on sale for 25% off. Works for me! Bubba got a leather jacket and Jason used his gift card at Renegade last Sunday. Renegade had a 25% off deal just for that weekend, so we took advantage of it. Oh and I know what to get Bubba for Valentines day already. I just have to make sure to call and see if they have it stock by next friday.

Well, its been like forever since I've blogged on this thing, I guess I've just been tired from work and just had so many things on my mind. I just now am able to since I'm relaxed.

Tax Season has been pretty busy at work. Everyone's wanting their statements, and all other kinds of photocopies. Its not so bad at night, since we now actually have at least 20 people until 10ish when graveyard gets in. But the other night, the aspect phone went in the red..and it was insane!
What gets to me is when they're calling for something they can get thru the automated system like balance info, checks withdrawals, etc. That's why we have BOB and the IVR people!

Well, I hope it doesnt get to bad, like last year. Last year was pretty bad, we were short staffed almost all the time, there was a whole lotta mail..and it was just tiring. My AHT was bad, cause there were times I just put myself on idle cause I needed to take a breath.