Wednesday, February 14, 2007


AJ is sooooo smart. It makes me so proud on how he's doing. He knows his letters, we've been working w/ him on his flashcards, and he knows about all of them. He struggles with some, like the M and the T but he only makes mistakes sometimes. I think what's really helped him is his favorite toy, the hot wheels laptop that was given to him for his birthday. He LOVES that thing!
He always comes up to me and says "mommy open open" its soo adorable.

He also knows his numbers from 1 thru 20. There are a few numbers like 14 and 15 where it sounds like he's saying 13 but we're working on it. It amazes me, cause I've talked to a few people and they have kids same age as AJ and they're full term, versus AJ being a preemie...and they still don't know there letters. Or their numbers, and they would rather pay attention to something else then wanting to learn. AJ wants to learn, he wants to sit down, and that's the best thing about it.

This goes back to spending time w/ your kids. It makes me proud that he's doing more then an average two year old. He can be very impulsive, but it comes down to teaching him not to be.
I pat my self on the shoulder for that. Its one step to being a smart kid.

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