Thursday, February 08, 2007

OG team was better

I drives me mad when people can't stand up for themselves, or can't think for themselves. Seriously!! Oh my, what a day at work! It was going okay until I listened to a QA.
I just hate the fact that things have to go and be referred to by upper mgmt. I'm so not good w/ micro management, and how certain people can't just make a decision for themselves.

I miss the old team 11. I mean to OG team, when like April, Savi, Jamie, and when we had Dennis as the sup. I know things change, and change is good, but sometimes...just sometimes, I wish things were back to the way they were. Enough said.

Well, I don't know if I'll be continuing to do the mail for the center anymore, cause it seems that there may be an issue. I love to do it cause it makes the day go by fast for me. It makes taking the calls fast and it allows me to multitask. But if it creates issues, then I just wont do it.
I'm not happy with where I'm at. I might look around but we'll see. I have to get situated w/ Tuan's business and everything. I know once it gets going and it gets busy I may not even have to work. I can play house mom and office manager all at the same time. Until then, gotta keep my head up and just put a smile on. I know totally fake, but it gets you thru work sometimes.

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