Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Can you have it "all"?

So I was watching Oprah I think sometime last week, or the week before and there was an issue of if women having it "all"...the degree, the job, the parenting, but at the same time do a great job at all three. It consisted of stay at home moms vs career mothers. Which, was a big debate. Some of them weren't really making any sense. For example, there was a stay at home mom who said that she would rather have her be able to hug and spend time w/ her child then put them in daycare. Okay SERIOUSLY! You can hug your child anytime, its just the time you put into your child. I think people can be great parents as long as theres a balance on things. Mother or Father..regardless of how tired you are from work, spend time w/ your child. Let them know that you're there for them and that you love them.

Like AJ..that's mainly the reason why I work in the evenings so we don't have to put in him day care and that we have an equal amount of time that we spend w/ him. I have him in the morning and Tuan has him at night. Now that he's two, he requires a lot of attention. At this age, he's a sponge. Everything you say and do he trys to mock just cause he's learning. But he knows we're there for him. He calls me when he needs me and lets me know. He's so smart!!! We're very fortunate w/ how he's doing with his development because he was extremely premature.

Well, Tuan and I had a conversation about this the other night the whole having it all thing..and I think its really hard to have it all. I mean, I really really want to go back to school, but its hard cause of work and bills. Plus, being a mom. I give props to people who can do it, but I know that they have a lot of help. Yes, we have the help of Tuan's sisters, BUT they're also in school and they take of not only AJ but our nieces as well. I just want to finish is my point. And the only way is thru online classes. I've learned working at Wells, I love to do paperwork. Sounds weird I know, but I like to do admin stuff. So I figured I major in Business Administration.
There are so many things w/ having it all. Being a parent, spending time w/ the family, cleaning house, maintaining bills, being a wife. Yeah, for some its nothing, but it's really hard! I mean, its not difficult to the point where I feel like I'm going to fall apart, but it can be overwhelming.

For instance, I would love it sometimes if Tuan helps clean house. He does his part but I feel like I have to do it almost all the time. I don't have anyone to clean up after me and for AJ. I wish I could just relax in the morning and do nothing, and I admit I do that sometimes...but it creates a pile of work the next day or on my day off. Like dishes, I hate when there's dishes in the sink; laundry..when its laundry day it seems like theres 4 loads of laundry!!

Then there's work. I'm not happy w/ what I'm doing. Tuan says I just get bored, but answering the phones all day long sometimes can be really stressful. I stick it out cause of the benefits, the money, and the 401k. I would love to work for the state, or the county. I've looked around, and am still looking around, but w/ Tuan's business opening I want to be able to help him. Its hard to open a new business and just hire someone w/out having a backbone. And that's just from what I hear w/ people who have opened there business..heck I talk to business cust all day long!!

Parenting. I do my best to be there for my son. I want him to know Mommy loves him and would do anything for him, but there are boundaries. I want him to be disciplined and respectful towards others, as my parents have taught me. I don't expect him to be perfect, because yes NO ONE is perfect, but expecting that just leads him to fail. I want the best for him and I want him to be known as a "good guy". Even when I get old. Like there's this guy named Andy from BFMC, and when you first see him he's rugged looking but very humble. He was the only one who chatted w/ Tuan and I, and Lori and Dru at Ian and Jaymi's wedding from the club. He didn't have to talk to us, but with his politeness and kindness it makes me think, his mom raised a great man. Even when he came over for a party we had, he asked about the food w/ interest versus just eating it. I want AJ to be like that. I don't expect him to be a hero, but to be helpful towards others. I'm assuming most parents want these simple things from their kids, cause these simple things start at home. And it ALWAYS almost all the time reflects on the parents.

So having it "all" can be accomplished, but not all at the same time. I hope one day I can look back and say "I did it all, and now I have it all".

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