Friday, May 30, 2008

My Pool Guy

The pool is crystal clear!!!!!!!!!! So yesterday Tuan and the kids jumped in. I mean the pool went from green to cloudy to crystal clear. I'm sooo glad I have a husband who knows how to do things around the house. He's not only a cook, a mechanic, but also a pool guy!
Oh yea, I can't forget, he use to do flowers hahaha..

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prepared Childbirth

So we took a Lamaze class, it's every Tuesdays from 6:30-9:00 PM. And this past Tuesday was our first day of class. Oh was interesting. There were hella people in the class like at least 30. I just felt hella mooded cause we forgot our blanket and pillows.

Anyways, we were the first ones to introduce ourselves..Tuan got all nervous. And they asked who was considering an epidural or not, or whose undecided. There were only three of us in the class that said unmedicated. The rest were unsure cause some lady talked about her colleage having to walk with a cane and having back problems after her epidural. I'm still for my decision to NOT get an epidural. Out of all people, I'm afraid something like that would happen to me.
And they also asked who was having a girl, boy or a baby. The girls blew the guys out of the water. They'll be a lot of girls born this year!

So our teacher went over some things and we even watched a video. She even mentioned the movie Knocked Up and how they show her crowning, but this about seeing the whole thing! What was kinda gross about it is them showing the placenta coming out! Ugh! But it was towards the end of the class..I'm just glad the movie's not no 1980s version.

Well, I'll be bloggin more about these classes as they come along..I thought it would be boring, but it's actually not that bad.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Shop Responsibilities

I really want to stay home today and just clean house and do my scrapbook(s). But nope, I can't. I got up about half an hour ago, AJ's still sleeping and hoping I won't be needed at the shop. Mind you I haven't really been in since I have doctor appointments left and right. But, I'm not really off from the shop since I'm doing other things.

The original plan was for me to take Wednesdays off, and actually just be home and do home things. Chores, cleaning, filing, laundry etc. But nope, AJ has school, I have a dr. appt, and/or something else comes up. I'm just glad I can take AJ to Borders on Wed and get him a new book.

Well, today I have all kinds of things to do at the shop. File stuff away, input data, complete ROs. And what's going to be annoying about it is that I also have AJ to tend to, and/or just having to put him in front of the TV. Which I totally hate to do.

These are some of the reasons why I want to go back into the corporate world and just be away from home and away from AJ. Don't get me wrong, I love being able watch him and be there for him and be mom, but I do need a break sometimes. I've found scrapbooking as my thing to do cause it keeps my mind busy and I like to do it. I also found reading as my little get away. But even then, I still need that break away sometimes. (Sigh)

So many responsbilities...this is my life I guess.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


If you're a parent with DirecTV or even Comcast or cable period, you should know what this channel is. Noggin seems to be on our tv almost all the time. Sad I know. But other then reading, playing with cars, AJ loves watching Noggin. He calls it (and the tv even mentions it) his preschool show.

He even remembers the songs from Little Bill, Wonder Pets, and the commercials of Moose A. Moose and Zee, and can't forget Wow Wow Wubzy.

I mean, its cool that they play reruns and sing and stuff. But sometimes I wish they played a new episode and/or new series of shows. Maybe I should search Noggin online and make a suggestion?

It's so funny though, when we're done watching our show, AJ will ask us, "Can I watch Noggin?" And when we don't turn it on to that channel he starts throwing a tantrum. Ugh, that's what I hate. So then we end up just not watching at all and he just starts looking for his Thomas train book(s). Oh child...the things to deal with watching him sometimes.


So I'm currently reading two totally different books that are sooo unrelated to one another. I just finished reading The Wedding by Richard Sparks. I'm now reading Outlaw Biker and Belly Laughs! Hahaha. Funny I know. One book about the life of a harley rider whom is (or was) a president of a biker club in Minnesota to the laughs and realities of being pregnant. At least both will keep me entertained.

I just started reading Outlaw Biker and so far so good. I like the language in the book, because it sounds like someone telling me a story as if they're reading their life to me. I haven't started Belly Laughs, but will later on tonight.

Speaking of reading, I just bought another book today by Emily Giffin. It's called Love the one your with. It's hard back, and I didn't think I would actually by it, but it was on I did. It better be really good! I liked her other book Baby Proof. That was one I actually couldn't put down, so I'm actually looking forward to reading this one. I still haven't read Something Borrowed from her..maybe that'll be my next purchase.

The cool thing about going back to reading is AJ is getting into it too. I take him to the kids section and pick out a book for him. I'm really mainly trying to find books with minimal words but like one to two sentences. I wish I kept my old kids books from long ass time ago. I never thought I would have to use them again..but now that I have a's important to me that they get into reading.

Anyways, it seriously took me like 3 weeks to finish reading the Wedding, but it was a really good story. Very sweet and romantic. I loved the ending. If anyone has any suggestions on good books to read, please let me know. My mind is up to it..just no horror stories please.

50 degrees to 100 degrees

OMG! It's hella hot! I swear like a few nights ago it was only 50 degrees outside in the evening, with a slight breeze..comfortable enough to still wear just a t-shirt, if not w/ a light jacket. This morning when I got up to leave to take AJ to was HOT! And this was around 9ish in the morning. Big change.

Well, I'm hoping this pool gets all sqaured away like tomorrow or something, cause I wanna jump in! The summer came too early..we've had a pretty dry year. Which is okay, but I know it's not good.

Well, the long weekend is coming and the baby shower is coming too. I'm anticipating those weekends will be really hot..hmm..being pregnant, with 100 degree weather. Oh mun!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I'm trying to change my template to something out of blogger and I can''t do it. Ugh! I was given as a suggestion, I guess I just don't know what I'm doing.

If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. I thought it was as easy as myspace, copy and paste..unless I'm not copying the right things.

So much for leaving early

Ugh! I'm still here at the shop, and I'm starving! I was suppose to leave at around 4ish, if not actually around 3ish..but it never seems to work out that way.
Anthony's cousin Rachel is back in town from Turkee, so she wanted to see us and have AJ and Mia-Mae play but around 2:30 I already knew I couldn't leave yet. And yup, I'm still here!

Sometimes, it's nice to just be able to say "hey I'm going now" when that actually happens. But earlier today when I really wanted to say and do that I couldn't. What put the icing on the cake was AJ was acting up and there were customers here. ERrrrr. Sometimes I just want to pinch him sooo bad, but I can't do much since people are around. It's just frustrating and tiring to deal with a lot all at the same time.

Well, now I'm just waiting for Tuan to get back. He went to pick up a car, and I think a customer too. (Sigh) Things to do when you're a business owner. Well, the only good thing about hanging out right now is AJ's asleep. Except I'm really hungry. I just ate a TV dinner (lame, I know). I wanted to go home early and cook some Kare-Kare. Yum! Oh well, I guess I'll do that tomorrow. Or maybe later on tonight so there's lunch for tomorrow.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Starbucks Traffic

I can't believe I actually sat in the Starbucks traffic drive thru line...and they ended up getting my order wrong. Ugh! I went to the Starbucks by Walgreens and Wells, and the line was at least 10 cars long, maybe longer after I had gotten in it. It's sad that AJ knows to ask for chocolate milk and cookies everytime we pull up to a Starbucks (whether its a drive thru or not).

Well, they got my drink right..Which is good. And I've been craving for a bagel and cream cheese..and they were out. OH well, maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Grey's Anatomy night!

I'm sooo glad there hasn't been any reruns! I so look forward to Thursday nights now that Grey's is back on. So far, so good. I'm still going to buy the season on DVD since there was such a big gap with reruns.

I'm such a big fan of this thing that I actually took the Grey's Diagnosis

I almost forgot how to put a link up..hahaha..but yea..the character I'm most like is...


"If anyone needs anything done they come to you. You're responsible, capable, and fantastic under pressure but you have to make sure you don't give so much of yourself away that there's nothing left. Make some time for you and your family while you can. "

I think I took this test before but never blogged about it...and I was the same one..Well, gotta get back to work.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Making time for my hobby

I really miss doing my scrapbooks. I haven't been able to do them in a while since the shop opened. Its funny how now I have the time to read (which is like everynight before bed), but no time to do my scrapbook(s). I really want to go back into doing them. I still haven't finished Isabella's that I was suppose to do last year. Ugh!

Well I just bought some more scrapbooks cause they were on sale at Joann's so I really am going to get back into the groove of doing them this week. If anything I really need to set a schedule for myself. Like from morning, noon, and night.

I have so many pictures to print too..that it's crazy! I'm also planning on taking pictures, maternity and family pictures, so I really want to be able to put those either framed or in a scrap book.

Goal for this week (NOTE: FOLLOW UP NEXT WEEK)
Make time for my hobby (0ther then reading).

The Joy of Pregnancy

Just my opinion...

It's crazy how often I have to use the bathroom...even in the middle of the night..

Waking up still tired from sleeping at night.

Getting cramps in the morning, then they go away with a glass of water..which will lead me to using the restroom again.

Not being able to take a nap after having the first child.

Always feeling hungry, yet not knowing what to eat.

Too many things on my, AJ, house stuff, taking care of myself.

Taking myself to my appointments and not being able to take a nap in the car on the way home.

hmm..anything else.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Cat got Jacked

So not too many people know that the Toyotas have one of the most profitable, expensive catalytic converters. Tuan and I were just talking about how people get theres stolen, cause I guess it's really easy to take. And for just one of them it's like $140.00 if you get it welded, and like $1400.00 to get it replaced at a dealership. Hella money!

Anyways, I borrowed my dads truck for the shop. So this morning as I'm leaving to get things going for the day...the truck sounds like a diesel! Hella loud! I was able to drive all the way to the shop and at Pauls shop (Specialized Exhaust)..but man, I was sooo paranoid. Someone straight jacked the cat from the car in front of my house. Ghetto! Ugh, so my cat got jacked.
What's wierd is I was pissed off but actually calm all at the same time. I just couldn't believe it considering we were just talking about it.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Break Time

I'm taking a quick break from house cleaning. Man, do I feel tired. I'm not even half way there. Well I started late too. AJ and I stayed at moms house and just got back around 1ish. I was debating if I should take a nap with him or not. I ended up not, but watched a lil tv and then started putting things away. Anthony's out on a date w/ Ian. They were suppose to go riding last weekend, but it didn't happen. So today he went riding with him.

I've been searching for my old list of books that I wanted to read on an old blog and I guess I can't find it. Either I wrote it down somewhere and really didn't post it and/or I don't remember when I blogged it. I'm such a nerd, I know.

Well, I have to start making the invitations for the baby shower that's happening in Joanne's house. I might wait on them, cause I think it's going to be the end of June. I still have a few to send out for the one at Joce & Oliver's house. I'm soo excited! I know I've probably repeated this several times..but since I never got to have one for AJ it's great to actually have one for this baby coming. I think I'm actually going to have fun with a little girl. :)

Okay, break time's over. I know it's pretty short. But I better get up now or I'll be online forever! haha.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Photogenic baby

I have more pictures of her! I haven't uploaded them yet, but I will tonight.
I have to go in every two weeks to get an ultrasound to make sure that the baby's blood is flowing properly in her brain. When I got sick earlier this year, I ended up catching red blood cell antibodies. I'm fighting them off, but I have to be monitored to make sure that she's fighting them off too.
I was told that with being monitored, they have to also make sure that she does not become enimic. So she gets to take pictures like every two weeks.

Its crazy cause the only ultrasound I have of AJ is a crotch shot. Now with this baby I'll have a whole album before she's born! I hope she'll like the cameras :)