Wednesday, May 14, 2008

50 degrees to 100 degrees

OMG! It's hella hot! I swear like a few nights ago it was only 50 degrees outside in the evening, with a slight breeze..comfortable enough to still wear just a t-shirt, if not w/ a light jacket. This morning when I got up to leave to take AJ to was HOT! And this was around 9ish in the morning. Big change.

Well, I'm hoping this pool gets all sqaured away like tomorrow or something, cause I wanna jump in! The summer came too early..we've had a pretty dry year. Which is okay, but I know it's not good.

Well, the long weekend is coming and the baby shower is coming too. I'm anticipating those weekends will be really hot..hmm..being pregnant, with 100 degree weather. Oh mun!

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