Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prepared Childbirth

So we took a Lamaze class, it's every Tuesdays from 6:30-9:00 PM. And this past Tuesday was our first day of class. Oh my...it was interesting. There were hella people in the class like at least 30. I just felt hella mooded cause we forgot our blanket and pillows.

Anyways, we were the first ones to introduce ourselves..Tuan got all nervous. And they asked who was considering an epidural or not, or whose undecided. There were only three of us in the class that said unmedicated. The rest were unsure cause some lady talked about her colleage having to walk with a cane and having back problems after her epidural. I'm still for my decision to NOT get an epidural. Out of all people, I'm afraid something like that would happen to me.
And they also asked who was having a girl, boy or a baby. The girls blew the guys out of the water. They'll be a lot of girls born this year!

So our teacher went over some things and we even watched a video. She even mentioned the movie Knocked Up and how they show her crowning, but this movie...man..talk about seeing the whole thing! What was kinda gross about it is them showing the placenta coming out! Ugh! But it was towards the end of the class..I'm just glad the movie's not no 1980s version.

Well, I'll be bloggin more about these classes as they come along..I thought it would be boring, but it's actually not that bad.

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