Friday, May 16, 2008

Shop Responsibilities

I really want to stay home today and just clean house and do my scrapbook(s). But nope, I can't. I got up about half an hour ago, AJ's still sleeping and hoping I won't be needed at the shop. Mind you I haven't really been in since I have doctor appointments left and right. But, I'm not really off from the shop since I'm doing other things.

The original plan was for me to take Wednesdays off, and actually just be home and do home things. Chores, cleaning, filing, laundry etc. But nope, AJ has school, I have a dr. appt, and/or something else comes up. I'm just glad I can take AJ to Borders on Wed and get him a new book.

Well, today I have all kinds of things to do at the shop. File stuff away, input data, complete ROs. And what's going to be annoying about it is that I also have AJ to tend to, and/or just having to put him in front of the TV. Which I totally hate to do.

These are some of the reasons why I want to go back into the corporate world and just be away from home and away from AJ. Don't get me wrong, I love being able watch him and be there for him and be mom, but I do need a break sometimes. I've found scrapbooking as my thing to do cause it keeps my mind busy and I like to do it. I also found reading as my little get away. But even then, I still need that break away sometimes. (Sigh)

So many responsbilities...this is my life I guess.

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