Thursday, October 23, 2008

"Dis is all we hab"

Talk about either being rude, or just being herself! So we went to Walgreens earlier and I was looking around for some make up and brushes that a customer suggested to me. So I passed up some make-up brushes, cause she mentioned they were only $10.99 and the ones I saw were Salon Selection which were $15.99. SOoo I thought, "those can't be it then" keep looking.

I asked a lady there, and she was a "hip" filipino lady that just has that mad look. Okay, so for those who are filipino, you know how some aunties, uncles and/or friend's moms just have that mad look. Like they don't easily smile. They aren't mad, they just look mad. Well she had that look on her face. So thought nothing of it, cause heck my mom has that "intimidating" look all the time. I asked her if they carried a certain brand of brushes and the make up and all she yelled to me was "Dis is all we hab!" "See dis section, we don't curry anyting else but dis" But she said it like she was really mad. But like I said, that's probably just her being herself!

(Sigh) only at Walgreens haha.

New to Elk Grove

We (AJ, Leanna and I) went to a different park today which is off of Sheldon road after AJ went to school. When we got there I saw someone with two kids but they were at the baseball field. So of course, didn't think much of it, just did the usual and let AJ play at the park. We had our little picnic and then he went off and played.

So, us being "moms" we start asking the age of the kids, where in Elk Grove we were from etc etc. And I made a new friend. Her name is Mariah and she moved from Concord. She has two kids a boy and a girl. Her son is 18 mos old and named Jacob, and her daughter's name is Heidi and I believe she said she was 7 months old. She seems really cool. AJ and Jacob played for a little bit. I mean, AJ is a little bit older, but he followed AJ everywhere and AJ kept telling him he was 4 haha.
Anyways, we have a play date next Friday @ Funtastic.

She totally reminded me of me when we first moved out to this part of town to our first house. I didn't know anybody. I was still pregnant, and then when AJ was born, and was finally able to be out in the sun without oxygen and his heart monitor...I didn't have many moms to talk to. I mean, I was new to the whole thing. It was so funny she asked me, "Where can I find a drive thru starbucks?" Haha. I soo understand her feelings with having to haul two kids around.

She's new new. Her fam just moved her this past Monday. It's crazy she only got her house for 280K and it has a pool it's two story and she said approx 2500 sq ft. Crazee! Well, for me it's always cool to meet new moms.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Angel Hair Shrimp Pasta

So when I hung out w/ Winnie last week, or was it the week before..anyways, I had at her house Angel Hair Pasta w/ shrimp, mint and basil. I made it once before I believe it was the Sat before the wedding and it turned out OK. I'm cooking it again tonight but changed up somethings. I added some stuff to it and tried to make it a little more healthier. For instance, I used whole wheat angel hair pasta instead. I also added mushrooms (I was craving for mushrooms for some strange reason) and kept the mint, basil, and shrimp. Oh and I added tomatoes (I guess for color haha). We're having seafood hopefully it tastes good.

Thanks for the recipe Winnie-Anne! Since this whole weight concern I have with myself, I'm trying really hard to eat healthy. If anyone has some good recipes they'd like to share, please let me know.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Time-Out Rooms

I never knew this existed ! This sure didn't occur when I was in elementary school Crazzee!

Stair Master..and another weekend to party..

My thighs hurt! I've never tried the stair master, until this morning. I went on it for only 15 mins, and mun it hurt! Talk about walking up stairs...hahahaha. It sucked cause today my work out was only for 50 mins. I woke up late, so I couldn't go my normal time at 5. I left here around 5:45 only allowing me to work out until 6:50. I try to get back by 7ish so I can come home to cook breakfast.

I also did that core excercise where you have your elbows holding you up as you lay flat and your weight is on your arms and your toes. I made myself raise one leg up and did two sets of that. Gotta get my core muscles back.

Well, it's FRIDAY. And today, well its Oliver's Bday! Happy Birthday O! We're suppose to hang out w/ O and Joce later. I'm not sure what we're doing yet. I know that tomorrow we're suppose to go over to their house for a get together. I think. Well that's what Tuan mentioned to me.

Gotta run, Ling Ling is awake once again. It's feeding time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Personal Trainer

I had my appointment this evening w/ a personal trainer named Jessica. It was cool, cause I got to kind of get an idea of what it would be like if I signed up with her. Intially when Tuan and I joined the gym, we get one free session w/ a trainer. I haven't seen a personal trainer in years! I mean, I had a friend before on base @ Travis but that was like in 01 or something like that. Hella long ass time ago.

Anyways, I did some stuff w/ her and it was a decent 30 min work out. I really want to consider signing up but man it's BANK! I mean like for 12 sessions $1500 and that's three times a week. I have to talk to Tuan about that one, cause mun..we're already complaining about day care for the kids. I don't know if getting skinny for that amount he'd let me swing it. We'll see.

What's cool about her though, is she's a runner. I really want to run a 5K by next July. I also want to lose 40 Lbs. And she told me if I train w/ her she's willing to run w/ me outside the time of our training just so I can get there to running 5K by two months. That's freakin awesome if I could do that. But man, gotta look at the money side of things. All I know is I can't get any bigger.

It was frustrating thinking that I'm 41% body fat. Yes! I'm admitting it. Ugh! Hella ugly forreals. I use to be 27% body fat like 5 years ago. What the heall! Married life..NO I can't blame it all on that. It is mostly my fault for getting out of shape. But I know I need to get in the swing of things again.

So back to the gym first thing tomorrow at 5:00 AM SHARP!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I swear I have so many things to blog about that I totally forget what I want to type down when I get here! Haha. Examples..

Like the other day (well actually last week haha) I went to visit Winnie-Anne and her Nathaniel (whose cheeks I want to bite cause he's so dang cuuute) and was trippin out that she lived next door to one of our old customers. When I pulled up to her house, I was thinking "I've been here before" cause I had shuttled him home from the shop a few months ago. And it was way cool visiting her, I didn't realize that we had some things in common in high school. Now I wish we should've hung out more back then. Well, there's always now especially w/ the kids.

Okay, and I still can't believe (well I can since he did them) that Tuan is not only a mechanic, but a florist too! I swear I have such a multi-talented husband. Forreals. NO complaints, just amazed. The flowers for Eileen and Jo's wedding were so pretty. I loved all the fall colors, and that it wasn't so traditional. I'll upload pics from the wedding shortly.

Talking in the car on long drives is I swear the only time Tuan and I have to catching up and talking to each other. When he's at the shop, we can't really talk on the phone. So on the way to the city to pick up the flowers last Saturday we just talked up each other. He said some nice stuff, like "I'm glad we make each other laugh, cause that keeps us happy and together.."

To be continued..

He's Sleeping!

OMG! I think I'm going to be able to really have AJ potty trained by the end of the year..and he's starting to sleep like at 10ish. Okay for most parents, or others, must be thinking.."What the hell, that's hella late!" Dude, AJ usually sleeps at like midnight or until we're both finally asleep.

But tonight, Tuan went to the gym and he laid him down w/ his toys and teddy bear. I told him to go to bed, and like within 20 mins he's asleep! I was able to go downstairs wash dishes, clean up toys, and enjoyed a glass of cran white peach drink yum! I'm just hoping he will finally start sleeping earlier then 10 so that way I have a little more time to myself.

Speaking of the gym, I so need to go tomorrow morning. I haven't gone in like 3 days and I feel fatter then I did 3 days ago. Ugh! I really need to lose this weight. I don't know what it is, but I just don't want to keil over and pass out from being over weight. Ok, so I'm not like obese or anything, but I just can't believe I let myself get this fat.

Okay, Leanna woke up gotta much for time for myself. haha.

Monday, October 13, 2008


So my title is so how I'm feeling right now! I'm at the shop covering for Tuan, since he had a little to much to drink last night. I was sooo tired from driving home, but I'm glad we made it home safely. Thanks Glo for keeping me company while driving. Hella coffee hahaha!

It was Jo & Eileen's wedding yesterday and it was held at Scott's Garden in Walnut Creek. I really liked the place cause it wasn't to big and it was a very intimate wedding. Congrats to the both of them. I still need to upload pics from my cam. The dinner was good. I liked the salmon that was filled w/ I believe spinach. It was nice to see people we haven't seen in a while like Leah and Dennis, Anne, and Jo's Wamu folks. I'm glad I got to sit w/ Ken and Gemma at our table. Man, Kaitlyn is getting soo big. She looks like she'll be taller than AJ anyday now!

Anyways, this morning I got up like 3 times in the middle of the night to care for "Ling-Ling" of course she was hungry..she sharted..had to get a diaper change etc. Motherly duties in the mid of the night. And then this morning Tuan was sick and asked if I could cover. Ugh, I was a little bummed but I guess it's not to bad. Most places are closed so there aren't to many cars on the road. I guess that works for me. I get to blog too haha.

I'm hoping I get out of here by at least 3 or 4ish. If not, that would suck. I'm so ready for a nap.

Jo & Eileen's Wedding

Here's some pictures from Arlynn's cam..more to come... Jo & Eileen's Wedding

Friday, October 10, 2008

Beautiful Fall Flowers

Nail Shop Gossip

I went to see Rochelle yesterday to fix a broken nail..and man she had gossip! Hahaha.
Well, there's this guy who walks his dog every morning or at least everytime I've driven to the shop in the morning and/or in the afternoon. He has a golden retriever and he's a man of about early 50s if not late 40s. He's always at Starbucks drinking his coffee and reading a paper and/or sitting there with his dog.

Well, when I went to the nail shop yesterday I saw him in front of the nail shop talking to some of the nail shop workers. I was like, man he gets his nails done too! Anyways, I find out that the poor guy had just recently gotten a divorce w/ some young Vietnamese girl cause she was cheatin on him...and guy like makes BANK! Like she doesn't even have to work. Rochelle spilled the gossip...haha. She straight told me ex-wife worked at a massage place and dude walked in on her cheating. OH mun! Crazzzy! Poor guy, he seems really nice. He's said hi to me a few times. I mean, he just seems friendly.

It's a trip everytime I get my nails done or just go there. I swear, if I don't make eye contact w/ Rochelle when I first get in. Most of them ask if I want a "spa pedicure" and/or "phull set" haha. Anyone who gets their nails done knows what I mean. Haha. "You want desigghn, I do desigghn por yu" Hahaha.

Busy Busy Busy

It's going to be another hectic weekend this weekend! First off, it's Jo & Eileen's wedding (finally! haha after like 16 years or something like that) and Anthony will be doing the flowers for it so we have to go to the city to pick up the flowers that were ordered and pick up all the things needed for the arrangements. The wedding is on Sunday so we'll be up late night tomorrow night and then early Sunday morning. I'll be helping him do things somewhat, but he's the artist (uaaahhh) and he'll be doing most of the work.

So, we have to drive to the city tomorrow and back to Elk Grove..and then, drive to Walnut Creek the next day! That's a lot of driving...Well, all I know is that we'll all be pretty tired from driving and staying up.

I just finished getting all the pics together for the slide show for their wedding as far as "our" side of the fam. I guess the slide show had more pics of Lyn's I pulled up some pics from the holidays and gatherings and emailed it to Anne. Man, I am soo not fond of Ofoto anymore. I ended up having to use it to send her the pics, but it just kept lagging. I swear I have hella emails telling me I shared to photos and Anne didn't get them for a while. Ugh! But she finally got it..

Well, I'll be showing the pics from the wedding next week!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Bottle Search

So I'm planning on changing Leanna's bottles to Dr Browns I've noticed she's starting to leak a lot of her milk from the bottles Lyndsee gave her. I mean, they were the cheap ones from I should have expected it. But at the same time AJ didn't have a problem w/ any bottle when he was a baby. I'll still keep her on the Avent Bottles , but I'm planning on putting away the other bottles for now. I've been doing some research as far as reviews and prices on the bottles. I even ran into this interesting article on Avent vs Dr Browns which made me want to still keep the Avent bottles but at the same time purchase the Dr Brown bottles.

Price wise, they're almost the same depending on the size of the bottles. Dr Browns is a little more expensive on the glass bottles. Which I know I'll purchase the two pack. Well, so far since she's been using the one bottle from Dr Browns she's a little more calm and doesn't have too much gas. Well, she always seem to have gas no matter what bottle she uses..but reading that the Dr Browns bottle can help reduce it since it can cause pain for the infant..sounds good to me. Leanna's so high maintenance...I swear, although AJ had oxygen and an apnea monitor when he was home, I didn't have to be picky about what kinds of brands to get him. She's such a girl!

Cute Shoes!!!!

Aren't these the cutest things ever for little feet! I'm planning on getting some for Leanna..

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Fav pics from his Bday Party

AJ's bday @ Funtastic

I was trying to figure out how to create a slideshow on picaso or whichever website to have on this but it's giving me error messages. Urrrr... so here's some pics from Lori's Camera .

I still haven't uploaded my pics from my camera.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Dress Search

So it's Jo & Eileen's wedding next weekend on Sunday the 12th. I've been looking everywhere (so it feels like) for a dress. I went to ROSS ( I love that store!) and I found two but they didn't fit right. Ugh! So had to return them, but ended up buying a purse (same exact one I saw at Macy's) and some vases for the flowers that Tuan got me.

I finally decided to look online to see if I can get an idea of what shoes to get and what kind of colored dress to get. The last week of Sept we went to Great Mall and I found a dress at Kohls and they didn't have my size. So I figured look here in Sac, and yesiree! They had my size! I even got the shoes with it! I couldn't help myself. So now, all I have to get is a pedicure before the wedding..and some jewelry.

Birthday Weekend

Hectic! That's the only word that I can use to describe this past weekend..or better yet this last week. So I was soo not ready for AJ's bday and mine. We had his party at Funtastic Fun Center, and I'm glad we had a great turn out of kids. I was so worried that I wouldn't have enough kids to come. But there was a little over 15 (which 15 is the minimum amount).

It was cool, cause the kids got to play and adults got to eat and hang out. So the party started at 4 and we were late!Ugh, late to our own party it sucked..But I'm soo glad I have great friends and family who were able to be there to help us out. Thanks Lori, Ning and Joce!!!! You guys are the best!

Well, we were late cause we still had to pick up Glo's clothes from "Ate's" house. And then Tuan forgot his keys. Then, we went to pick up pizza. But we got there at 4:15. Thanks to all the kids who played and all the adults/parents who brought them there.

After party...the usual came over and hung out. It was funny watching Leslie play pool w/ everyone cause we would cheer when it was her turn...while when it was the other players turn we were all quiet. Haha. We're just giving her a hard time for being MIA.

Well, I just realized today and I guess Tuan realized yesterday that I didn't really celebrate my bday! I didn't even have a cake. Haha. Oh well. Since AJ was born I lost my bday. Its just another year! But I guess he might be taking me out to eat later..we'll see.