Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Angel Hair Shrimp Pasta

So when I hung out w/ Winnie last week, or was it the week before..anyways, I had at her house Angel Hair Pasta w/ shrimp, mint and basil. I made it once before I believe it was the Sat before the wedding and it turned out OK. I'm cooking it again tonight but changed up somethings. I added some stuff to it and tried to make it a little more healthier. For instance, I used whole wheat angel hair pasta instead. I also added mushrooms (I was craving for mushrooms for some strange reason) and kept the mint, basil, and shrimp. Oh and I added tomatoes (I guess for color haha). We're having seafood tonight..so hopefully it tastes good.

Thanks for the recipe Winnie-Anne! Since this whole weight concern I have with myself, I'm trying really hard to eat healthy. If anyone has some good recipes they'd like to share, please let me know.

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