Thursday, October 23, 2008

"Dis is all we hab"

Talk about either being rude, or just being herself! So we went to Walgreens earlier and I was looking around for some make up and brushes that a customer suggested to me. So I passed up some make-up brushes, cause she mentioned they were only $10.99 and the ones I saw were Salon Selection which were $15.99. SOoo I thought, "those can't be it then" keep looking.

I asked a lady there, and she was a "hip" filipino lady that just has that mad look. Okay, so for those who are filipino, you know how some aunties, uncles and/or friend's moms just have that mad look. Like they don't easily smile. They aren't mad, they just look mad. Well she had that look on her face. So thought nothing of it, cause heck my mom has that "intimidating" look all the time. I asked her if they carried a certain brand of brushes and the make up and all she yelled to me was "Dis is all we hab!" "See dis section, we don't curry anyting else but dis" But she said it like she was really mad. But like I said, that's probably just her being herself!

(Sigh) only at Walgreens haha.

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