Monday, October 06, 2008

Birthday Weekend

Hectic! That's the only word that I can use to describe this past weekend..or better yet this last week. So I was soo not ready for AJ's bday and mine. We had his party at Funtastic Fun Center, and I'm glad we had a great turn out of kids. I was so worried that I wouldn't have enough kids to come. But there was a little over 15 (which 15 is the minimum amount).

It was cool, cause the kids got to play and adults got to eat and hang out. So the party started at 4 and we were late!Ugh, late to our own party it sucked..But I'm soo glad I have great friends and family who were able to be there to help us out. Thanks Lori, Ning and Joce!!!! You guys are the best!

Well, we were late cause we still had to pick up Glo's clothes from "Ate's" house. And then Tuan forgot his keys. Then, we went to pick up pizza. But we got there at 4:15. Thanks to all the kids who played and all the adults/parents who brought them there.

After party...the usual came over and hung out. It was funny watching Leslie play pool w/ everyone cause we would cheer when it was her turn...while when it was the other players turn we were all quiet. Haha. We're just giving her a hard time for being MIA.

Well, I just realized today and I guess Tuan realized yesterday that I didn't really celebrate my bday! I didn't even have a cake. Haha. Oh well. Since AJ was born I lost my bday. Its just another year! But I guess he might be taking me out to eat later..we'll see.

1 comment:

Rizzi said...

Aww! Happy Belated Birthday girlfriend!