Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Personal Trainer

I had my appointment this evening w/ a personal trainer named Jessica. It was cool, cause I got to kind of get an idea of what it would be like if I signed up with her. Intially when Tuan and I joined the gym, we get one free session w/ a trainer. I haven't seen a personal trainer in years! I mean, I had a friend before on base @ Travis but that was like in 01 or something like that. Hella long ass time ago.

Anyways, I did some stuff w/ her and it was a decent 30 min work out. I really want to consider signing up but man it's BANK! I mean like for 12 sessions $1500 and that's three times a week. I have to talk to Tuan about that one, cause mun..we're already complaining about day care for the kids. I don't know if getting skinny for that amount he'd let me swing it. We'll see.

What's cool about her though, is she's a runner. I really want to run a 5K by next July. I also want to lose 40 Lbs. And she told me if I train w/ her she's willing to run w/ me outside the time of our training just so I can get there to running 5K by two months. That's freakin awesome if I could do that. But man, gotta look at the money side of things. All I know is I can't get any bigger.

It was frustrating thinking that I'm 41% body fat. Yes! I'm admitting it. Ugh! Hella ugly forreals. I use to be 27% body fat like 5 years ago. What the heall! Married life..NO I can't blame it all on that. It is mostly my fault for getting out of shape. But I know I need to get in the swing of things again.

So back to the gym first thing tomorrow at 5:00 AM SHARP!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg.. that's expensive!! aww.. dang.. you go to the gym @ 5AM.. dayam.. that's what time I wake up to get ready for work... if I did join.. I would be able to go with you only on a Friday and possibly Saturday..

oh and about work.. no the list wasn't even that long.. it's the usual stuff I do on Mondays when the doc is gone.. so it was no biggie.. I got it done in like 4.5 hours.. and then she had the nerve to question me.. like.. did you do this.. did you do that? blahblah.. i'm typin' up a blog about it..