Monday, December 04, 2006

Making Stockings

Well, this weekend was a productive one. There were some good and some sad things that occured. First off, Sat we were just home AJ and I and got to clean up a lil bit around the house. Finished some laundry and put things away. I also finished stockings for Lisa, Ning, Glo and Rob. I decorated them myself w/ glitter and snowmen and some ribbon for some. Lisa's has the mot glitter and oh man, all the others just had there name and like a snowflake. I thought it would look hella cute to do an ornament and it turned out good its just pretty messy. I still have to vacuum underneath the kitchen table since there was so much glitter.

I've been listening to Xmas songs a lot lately just to get into the season. I found Frank Sinatra and my fav is the 98 degrees CD. There's this one song that I totally love "If every day could be Christmas" its so sweet. Hmmm...other than that just stayed home.

All I need to do next are complete the Christmas cards.

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