Monday, December 04, 2006

You'll be missed

Sun: well, it started off okay. We were able to sleep in, we didn't go to church cause Tuan had to work on two cars. Walid's car and Ali's sister's car. Then I picked up the kids and we went to Ross for a lil bit. I had to look for something for Mia-Mae and it took forever to find something. Its so easy to shop for Ange and Katie but for Mia-Mae it seemed like forever to find something. Anyways, when we got back we heard news on Ed that he was on his way to the hospital.
We knew from there and assumed that he was gonna be there until he passed. Then we got another call from Lisa that he had already passed when he arrived.

I think he knew that it was his time. He had a great life. To my understanding he was very strict before in raising Lisa and Anthony. If anything that's Anthony and Lisa's dad. Bubba always said that he wondered why he was so strict and why he was a certain way and now being older and an adult you realize why lil things that probably many take for granted are so important. For example, when you go into a house or when an adult comes in its important to say "hi" to everyone out of respect. For some people that's not important. In a Filipino household it is. Because now, Tuan and I think it's important for Ange and Katie to say Hi to us when we go over there and when they come over here. Bubba also makes AJ bless him. Its just the whole point of respecting the people there and saying hey I'm here and I see you and not going in and out of the house like a dog. I'm grateful that I was able to meet him. He was very high strong and helped many people. Hearing stories about him, are always interesting He did a lot though. He traveled all throughout the world and invested a lot of money into Real Estate. Just last year he was diagnosed w/ liver cancer..and he's been trying to fight it. I'm glad though we saw him before he passed. He was a great man, a great father to everyone, and knew how to do so many things, he was smart and he always took chances. Very strict but well worth knowing why later.

I guess before Bubba always asked him to clean his car, fix his shoes, clean the house. But that's how it was living w/ him. People feared him when he got angry just like kids should when your parents are mad. I know you'll be missed. The only sad thing about it is that he'll be buried before Xmas.

Well, the good part about Sun was that we all had dinner at my parents house. It was really nice cause Lisa, Rob, Ning, Glo and all the kids were there. It was nice just to spend time w/ Family. Family is so important to have. When things arent going right you always have your family. I noticed lately that we've all gotten really close and I'm grateful for that. Its so important to see the kids grow up together.
Yesterday, I noticed too that Rob said some really nice things about Mama (Tuan's mom). That she was a very sweet lady and she was "cool", and she was soo different from Ed's side of the family. I wish I was able to meet her. She passed when Bubba was only 13. Well, life is soo short that you really have to treasure all our moments w/ our family and close friends. Because in the end, other than God that's all we really have.

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